For Fabiano de Abreu, the pain of loss eases with fond memories by Vanessa Scarcella

The psychologist Margie Holy Spirit Wagner comments on the author's conclusion In conclusion about feeling “pain of loss” described by the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, posted in channel your thoughts in the form of sentence on Instagram @escritorfabianodeabreu, We must absorb the good experiences of living with what we lost to this “pain” not if … Read more

Penalux Publisher launches work of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist of Literature

Livro Ethan Frome de Edith Wharton. Disclosure.

Penalux publishing promotes a literary rescue to launch the classic novel Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton, with the translation of Chico Lopes. The book, It is told from the perspective of the Narrator, account of the life and tragedy of the character who gives title to the work. Content packed psychologist, the author tells a love story full of … Read more

Account “Antofalla Test, My Refuge” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

I'm close to the village of Antofalla, in the Andes mountains, in my cabin. It's really cold, the snow doesn't stop falling, breathtaking scenery. The wild donkeys and llamas coexist peacefully in this scenario. The flamingos seeking food in the Lake. Puna is a desert of varied colors, the gold from the sand to snow white, … Read more