“Meet the Egg, a collective of independent artists:”, by Juliana Vannucchi

“Art is a flower born on the path of our life, and that is developed to soften it ”. – Arthur Schopenhauer OVO is a collective of creative minds that incorporate their most diverse points of view in unique works. The result of his creations is unexpected and extremely diverse. You could say that this is a … Read more

“Meet the comic Alejandro Gomez:”, by Juliana Vannucchi

"In fact, I'm more a militant agnostic. Perhaps art is my faith ". – A. Gomez. Of course, worldwide, there are many skilled designers. However, perhaps there is a greater number of players than creators. And it is precisely this aspect that makes the American comic artist Alejandro Gomez is so special: … Read more

"SORAYA balera" by Juliana Vannucchi

Soraya work Balera. Photo: Disclosure.

Today, with much satisfaction, I present to readers of our site, the artist Soraya Balera, resident of Sorocaba (SP), that in their productions, works with oil paintings, also acrylic and mixed techniques using. Balera has participated in exhibitions at the "Fair of Plastic Arts", in which their works exhibited in the square Carlos Alberto de Souza … Read more

“The Dionysian Aura of Jim Morrison:” by Juliana Vannucchi

The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea, 1805. William Blake. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rosenwald Collection. Featured.

“Pain is a way to wake up (…) Do you feel your strength with the experience of pain (…) it is a feeling – your feelings are part of you (…) (excerpt from an interview with James Lizze – 1969). The The Doors is one of the most popular bands in the history of Rock & Roll. … Read more

“Geniuses painting:” by Juliana Vannucchi

Below, I listed my biggest influences painting, and I recorded a few brief comments by which justify my admiration for such artists. This type of text is always subject to change. I clarify that it was not written in chronological order. My passion for painting began in childhood times and today, is firmly intrinsic in … Read more

“The Relevance of the Lie as Artistic Component in Oscar Wilde:” by Juliana Vannucchi

This text seeks to explore and share with readers, some observations and interpretations of an essay written by Oscar Wilde in 1891, The titled decay lie. The text referred to it is a dialogue between Vivian and Cyril, two characters that are in a library, and start to reflect on the insertion of lies … Read more

“Some Notes on the Legacy Artistic Düher” by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – Knight, Death and Devil, featured, 1513. Albrecht Düher. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rosenwald Collection. "More clearly speaking, skull, It seems to-me, expresses death, the end that is exposed in the way that man travels ". – Juliana Vannucchi.

Dear readers, below, gladly share with you the key insights I had with the paintings of Düher, how they affected me aesthetically and why so much intrigue me every time that they appreciate and give myself. First of all, dare I say that perhaps Düher was the most extraordinary painter of … Read more

“The works of William Blake in Counterpoint with Reason” by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – The Circle of the Corrupt Officials; the Devils Tormenting Ciampolo, 1827. William Blake. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rosenwald Collection. "A Arte, according to him (Blake), intuitive knowledge is not of individual things, but the eternal and superhuman forces of creation ". (ARGAN, 1988, p. 35).

William Blake was a painter and English poet, that fits and is usually associated with Romanticism (more specifically, as a pre-romantic), While all of their production has also aspects belonging to Symbolism. Blake was eccentric. His productions have been widely rejected during the period in which they were created, because they were beyond any stylistic pattern … Read more

"The Slots Mystic works of William Blake" by Juliana Vannucchi

Fig. 1 – Job and His Daughters, 1825. Featured. William Blake. British, 1757 - 1827. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Present the W.G. Russell Allen.

It was through Jim Morrison, vocalista do The Doors, I met William Blake, English outstanding artist of the nineteenth century. I read two biographies on the leader of the Doors and both, albeit differently, Blake, He was present as one of the major influences of the musician, since, it was precisely a textual passage written by … Read more