The History of Paper, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 - Role Creation, Rita Caruzzo, Collage of natural leaves on paper; Paper São Paulo, basis weight 600, mill Brazil, 2019.

Soak the brush in the blue sea, in the fire of heaven, in the soft silver of the fog that covers the mountain. Soak the brush in the sunflower's light, in the green body of hope, and on the blank paper stains appear: a house, a river, and very far away a girl with her hands full of stars. … Read more

Four books based on real history for you to read later this year

Book & quot; (im) perfection & quot;, by Lilian Vaccaro, featured. Disclosure.

Meet some authors acclaimed by national literature This year we are living, it was a very difficult year and was taken by many losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that took us by surprise, making us face a great challenge: social isolation. However, many managed to find themselves within the literary universes, what reflected in the … Read more

Entrepreneur Ensures Paralympics 2020, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Exhibition “Avant Première da Arte Inclusiva - Paralimpíadas”. Invitation, featured.

The world event will be held through art, with the exhibition “Avant Première da Arte Inclusiva - Paralimpíadas.” The controversial title and the challenging mission is another project of the businessman Armando Fantini, da Refresh Brazil, company of intelligent solutions for Social Inclusion with Accessibility. The goal is to honor Paralympic athletes … Read more

FREE program of courses in the areas of art and culture, promoted by Associação Artística Mapati

MAPATI Cultural Space. Photo: Mapati Artistic Association.

  A AAMA – Associação Artística Mapati abre inscrições para nova edição de programa de oficinas formativas gratuitas em parceria com o Festival Bocadim Profissão Arte Série cursos rápidos abre caminhos para inserção do público jovem nas áreas profissionais do setor cultural A pouca oferta de cursos de qualificação de profissionais para atuarem em áreasRead more

Three national hot authors you need to know

Sue Hecker, Karine Vidal and Carol Moura. Disclosure.

Learn a little more about Brazilian erotic literature with these three writers Whether taboo or not, it is a fact that books focused on sexual themes have attracted more and more attention from readers. Driven by curiosity, by the desire to vent repressed desires or purely by pleasure, consumers of this type of literature have … Read more

Meet 3 authors who took the regions of Rio Grande do Sul to their books

Authors Rafael Guimaraens, Rachel Fernandes and E. Riit. Photo: Disclosure.

Rio Grande do Sul is the backdrop for a book by national authors Art has the great power to bring knowledge to its admirers, mainly the art of writing, that despite being little valued in Brazil, is very rich in information and entertainment. National authors are increasingly proposing … Read more

Brazilian artist Claudio Cupertino is nominated for the International Prize New York City

Claudio Cupertino - Leonardo Da Vinci World Award - Firenze - Italia. Photo: Disclosure.

Nomination comes through Italian art curators Salvatore and Francesco Saverio Russo Visual artist Claudio Cupertino, creator of his own technique of “engraving” using stones and sponges, which he named Cupergraphy, launched virtually, in June 2020, documentary about his life and work. “Energia Tempo Cupertino” was produced completely independently, captured … Read more

Hope: Duology narrates dystopia of the future

Book & quot; Matumaini - The three jewels of freedom" by João Peçanha, cover - featured. Disclosure.

João Peçanha's next releases is a series of two dystopia books After 17 months of a lot of research and planning, João Peçanha announced Matumaini, a duology composed by “The notebooks of Pietene” and “The three jewels of freedom”. In the first book, a mother fights for the life of her two children, although, pressed by a tyrant who … Read more

3 novel authors to read later this year

Carina Torre, Lya Galavote and Aline Cabral. Photo: Disclosure.

Meet three national writers with light books to read on 2020 The year is not over yet and many events have surprised many people worldwide, most as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through social isolation, some people embraced the literary world as one of the best forms of entertainment, resulting not significant increase … Read more

Movie “Stunned, Eu Remain Attentive ”wins Kikito Trophy in the category of Best Musical Track

Movie “Stunned, I remain attentive ”. Disclosure.

Both directors / producers study Cinema at Estácio Tom Jobim, in Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro – October 2020 – Lucas H. Rossi dos Santos and Henrique Amud – students of the Cinema course at Estácio, directors and producers of the film “Stunned, I remain attentive” – acabam de conquistar o Troféu Kikito na categoria Melhor Trilha Musical do 48º FestivalRead more
