BNDES launches another Matchfunding BNDES call + Cultural heritage, with registration until 18 of december

BNDES launches another Matchfunding BNDES call + Cultural heritage. Photo: Church of Our Lady of the Pillar in São João del Rei, Minas Gerais / Disclosure.

Lab edition calls for ideas that use the internet to extrapolate physical barriers to heritage. Selected people go through a co-creation lab and can receive R $ 50 thousand of match for their crowdfunding campaigns. Subscription link: Analisando o ano de 2020 and understanding the needs of the culture area, which was also strongly impacted by … Read more

Marlon Silva releases All the Poems I Could Write

Marlon Silva, writer. Photo: Thiago Nunes.

Reading has become increasingly distant from reality in the digital world, where phrases, words and posts are enough in many people's lives. However, we can still believe in reading when we think of moments of reflection and distance from social networks, where many also make the option to distance themselves from … Read more

Book sales increase in Brazil and authors create expectations for Black Friday

Larissa Pessoa, Andrew Oliveira and Maurizio Ruzzi. Photo: Disclosure.

With growth in book sales during the Covid-19 pandemic, authors share their views on what to expect from Black Friday Brazil is the second country where the most talked about Black Friday on Twitter, according to a survey of the platform itself; in addition, os dados afirmam que 47% of people would buy books, comics … Read more


WebMusA, featured. Disclosure.

The UFPR Museum of Art - MusA has been producing a web series since its closure for public visitation. Entitled #WebMusA, with episodes lasting between six and twelve minutes each, the series features interviews with various experts dealing with subjects inherent to museums. A fim de promover o amplo acesso ao conteúdoRead more



After selection at the Berlin Festival, SMALL GIRL wins the award for best international feature film at the Mix Brazil Film Festival, elected by the public. With an exhibition within the Festival Mix Brasil program during 72hrs of 17 to 19.11 the film SMALL GIRL to be distributed from Brazil by Imovision makes its debut and first session … Read more

NEW LIFE S.A., by André Carvalheira, will have preview at Cine Drive-in

NEW LIFE S.A. Photo: Disclosure.

The feature film uses surrealism to portray how real estate speculation potentiates social inequalities A new residential condominium in Brasilia promises to rescue the ideals of a new society that will serve as the basis for a re-foundation of the capital. However, utopia clashes with reality in the face of a corrupted system, which aims … Read more

VIII Journey of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Art Museum of Rio begins on the day 23 November

Performer Uýra. Photo: Ricardo Oliveira.

teachers, educators and researchers will exchange experiences and reflections on how art and culture can contribute to the construction of an anti-racist education and society, inclusive, plural and democratic The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, promotes its VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations … Read more

“Latin America 2051” enters campaign in Catarse

Book "Latin America 2051" by Luís Cláudio S. Pear. Disclosure.

Set in a dystopian future, book by a national author needs your support to be released The writer Luís Cláudio S. Pereira opened a crowdfunding program in Catarse to publish “América Latina 2051”. The science fiction book, who also qualifies within the solarpunk genre, narra a história de Aisha e Kauê em um futuro possível e positivo. The campaign needs … Read more

Brazil registers increase in religious books in recent years

Larissa Pessoa. Photo: Disclosure.

Despite the considerable increase, authors and publishers expressed the difference in numbers Data from the Production and Sales of the Brazilian Editorial Sector survey indicate an increase in 2%, between 2006 and 2019, in sales of religious books in Brazil. The percentage is not big, mas alguns autores nacionais dentro do segmento cristão notaram uma diferençaRead more

FLISP accounts for more than 5.000 books sold at a face-to-face event

FLISP 2020, 1ª São Paulo Literary Festival, banner. Disclosure.

The 1st Literary Festival of São Paulo received 2,5 thousand rotating visitors and recorded growth figures in the publishing market Last Sunday (08) It happened, in person, the 1st Literary Festival of São Paulo. The event, with ten publishers present, lasted about 11 hours and counted 5.500 livros vendidos com rotação de 2,5 thousand visitors among readers, editors … Read more
