Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Online dating cycle brings great names from literature, in addition to new talents. Cristovão Tezza, José Eduardo Agualusa, Luiz Ruffato and Selma Maria Kuasne are part of the program


Those who love literature have a meeting with great writers. The Casa Museu Ema Klabin promotes, between the months of March and November, the program Meeting with writers: other looks. Are already confirmed: Cristovão Tezza, winner of the Jabuti awards, Brazilian Academy of Letters and Bravo; José Eduardo Agualusa, winner of the Fernando Namora and Dublin international awards; Luiz Ruffato, who received the Machado de Assis awards, APCA, Jabuti and House of the Americas; in addition to the children's literature writer, Selma Maria Kuasne, dedicated to researching childhood culture.

The meetings, transmitted over the internet, will take place on the Zoom Meetings platform. Each meeting will last 1h30, the last twenty minutes being devoted to questions from the public. After the live broadcast, the programs will be available on the digital platforms of the museum house. Although free, there is a limit on public participation, at the age of 95 places per meeting. Registration for the first meetings is open on the website:

“The meetings have the objective of stimulating reading and providing public contact with the authors and their works, that record contemporary themes with different perspectives”, explains the course coordinator of Casa Museu Ema Klabin, Ana Cristina Moutela.

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According to Ana Beatriz Demarchi Barel, event mediator, the cycle of Encounters with Writers is the guarantee of spending a moment of learning with masters of Literature, meet new talents and get rich by reading your works.

“We will present in general terms the set of the work of each writer. Questions will be asked that relate to Literature in general and also to the production of the writer, your books. Excerpts representative of the author's project were selected and, at the end of the interview, will be projected to the public and commented on by the author. These meetings are unique moments, because they create a space totally dedicated to the art of Literature ”, explains Ana Beatriz.

There will be a certificate issue for registered participants who have accessed and attended at least 75% of programming.

House Museum Ema Klabin: #CasaMuseuEmCasa
Meeting with Writers: Other Looks
95 places per meeting
Mediation Ana Demarchi Barel
31 March, on wednesday, 17h at 6:30 pm - Cristovão Tezza
28 April – on wednesday, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm - José Eduardo Agualusa
26 de Mayo – on wednesday, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm - Luiz Ruffato
30 of June – on wednesday, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm - Selma Maria Kuasne
Age rating: 16 years
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