Letter from ex-councilors and ex-cultural councilors of the Federal District

“License here to express a little more pessimism about the future of our sector, even though I really hope I'm wrong. If in the coming weeks there is indeed a huge increase in cases and deaths of Covid-19 in Brazil, as planned, there will be a significant change of behavior in society. This will compromise activities that depend on agglomerations not only for the term of official decrees, but for many more months, or maybe years. When the events we are used to working / attending are allowed again, will still be weak and intermittent. Not even public, nor professionals, nor sponsors, whether private or state, will return with strength and confidence. Unfortunately, after that, our type of activity will become unsustainable for a long time. Today what people are doing to circumvent the crisis should no longer be seen as temporary, but as a test for the new entertainment models, culture and art that we need to develop for the future. ”

DJ Pezão


We, former board members and former board members Federal District Culture Council that since the creation of the collegiate in 1989, we represent civil society and / or government at different times contributing significantly to the elaboration, analysis and monitoring of actions, policies, cultural programs and projects. We have been following the current scenario with great concern, in which the necessary measures of social isolation to combat CONVID-19 have drastically impacted the productive chain of culture as a whole, mainly, from an economic and financial point of view.

It is necessary to adopt energetic and strategic measures to reduce these impacts and their short-term consequences, medium and even long term, since we are surrounded by uncertainties as to the appropriate period for the duration of social isolation. What we do know is that conventional cultural activities, in great majority, are linked to the agglomeration of people and will be the last to be fully authorized and normalized.

We add that culture has been suffering for some time, at national and local levels, both with the extinction of the Ministry of Culture, cancellation of public notices and discontinuity of public cultural policies, as for example, promotion and incentive. With this, it has become impossible for entrepreneurs, artists and cultural agents had minimum reserve funds to withstand this new widespread crisis.


We already have several colleagues from all artistic and cultural sectors, of all artistic languages, besides producers, cultural agents, private and / or independent cultural equipment managers, in addition to support technicians in all areas, in complete situation of financial pandemic. And that harms, considerably, not only the cultural productive chain, but also trade, tourism, the local economy and society as a whole, since culture is at the heart of citizenship and it is not possible to think about improving cities if the State depreciates this sector, which, Unfortunately, has been going on for some years.

Hundreds of artists and cultural agents, in all areas, are suffering the consequences of the necessary quarantine, with delays in payments for basic services, as housing, food and hygiene, to the point that many are starving for not having the financial means to support themselves. Because it is known that, if the artist does not produce, he doesn't have a source of income to survive. The moment makes it essential and mandatory for the State, regardless of government level, give the necessary conditions to those who need it for their maintenance, until that pandemic situation ends and we can start producing and consuming shows again, movies, shows, musical, theatrical, circus, of dance, of poetry, in its most varied creations that have sustained and coined the identity of a society since the earliest time.

Therefore, this collective of people who always dedicated themselves to the production of art and culture, besides having contributed to the formulation, analysis and judgment of the application of the FAC, from the LIC and the LOC, present to the managers of the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the Federal District National Secretary of Culture and other public managers of the Federal District, Federal and Federal and Senate legislative chambers, the demands of immediate support to overcome the unexpected and the difficult moment. We build, jointly, the following proposals to focus on the problems presented by the cultural community:

FAC paid quickly and urgently! It's in Art. 67 of the Organic Law of Culture (Complementary Law nº 934, from 7 th December 2017) who can be used up to 5% of FAC resources for maintenance, informatization, hiring consultancy, contracting of opinions, contracting auxiliary services, remuneration of collegiate and professionals responsible for analyzing proposals, side dish, inspection and final analysis of accountability, acquisition of management tools, acquisition of equipment and other goods and services dedicated to the efficient functioning of the FAC and the Fiscal Incentive Program. In other words, this percentage can be used to manage the Fund itself, what's been running since 2009. So we suggest, the immediate hiring of external reviewers to analyze the documentary part and the creation of a task force coordinated by the FAC and LIC servers, with host of servers from other sectors that are not in service, to speed up the adoption of the necessary measures to immediate payment, for example: of the Notice from Cultural Areas 2018, of the FAC Occupation 2019 e do FAC Recording, Registration and distribution in Music 2018. If such notices are paid immediately, can greatly help our class with the resources in mind.

We also suggest the increased use of the Conecta Cultura emergency notice, very well proposed by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Federal District, to urgently use all the existing resources in the fund, being 50% in April and 50% in August. As well as, the creation of more notices to reach the other cultural, such as: Group Maintenance, Regionalized, Audio Recording Connection. With this, Conecta Cultura will be considerably expanded, in relation to the current amount that serves only about 2% of the artistic class of DF.

Whoever has guaranteed bread loses the notion that EVERY DAY IS A FULL DAY without having a choice ”

Ana Flavia, actress and clown.

In relation to emergency notices: According to the urgency of the public calamity given by Legislative Decree nº 6 from 20 March 2020 and by District Decree nº 40.520 from 14 March 2020, both support purchases and services with no bidding required, besides not having to follow the limits of the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF), nor the fiscal targets set out in this year's budget laws. The award modality of Law nº 8.666/93, for example, can be triggered immediately, because it is a special bidding modality. The Administrative Bids and Contracts Law, in your art. 22, § 4º, brings the concept of contest, with: “Contest is the bidding modality between any interested parties to choose technical work, scientific or artistic, through the institution of prizes or remuneration to the winners, according to the criteria set out in the public notice published in the official press at least 45 days ”.

Another proposal that we have forwarded is expedite the payment of the processes for the Occupation notice of the winners who are in a regular situation and in the payment phase. Because, There is no, beyond payment, another administrative procedure for these contemplated. With this, would start circulating money in the market. Remembering that this amount will be used to pay, at least, pre-production as graphic designers to make visual identities, journalists to prepare press releases, pay the technicians and whatever else is possible, advancing the production in activity that can be done in the quarantine decreed. exist, currently, three bills for actions aimed at the cultural sector in times of coronavirus (two in the Chamber of Deputies and one in the Federal Senate) which have contents close to the inclusion of arts and culture professionals for access to an income of R $ 600.00.

Disclosure of the SECEC Register of Artists and Culturals for payment to registered. Such political action depends on the referral of the Governor of the DF to the paying source. In addition, this crisis shows that we have not mapped all workers in the sector that are not counted by the Register of Entities and Cultural agents in the Federal District (CEAC). Such measure is an innovation that solves this point in the structuring of the productive chain.

Activation of Parliamentary Amendments that are destined to Events of the 1st and 2nd semesters and transform them into prizes for artists and technicians and artists, who do not have CEAC – sound technician, scenography and expography editors, illuminators and seamstresses from a fashion studio or samba school, for example. The executions of Amendments at the Social Action Secretariat in the form of emergency assistance to citizens, because at this moment money is more important for survival than the product.

For cultural spaces that are not covered by SECEC (18 no DF, second latest survey and mapping of Funarte) that add value to the respective Administrative Region, turning into living territory, as well as for educational institutions and private artistic productions with CNPJ, we suggest: Emergency launch of the Maintenance Call for Groups and Cultural Spaces and the resumption of the connection for recording. Negotiation with the Finance Secretariat for exemption from IPTU for cultural spaces (how it is done for churches); Negotiation with CEB and CAESB for reduction of the fee amount and temporary suspension of water and sewage charges; Decree of temporary reduction of rent during the public calamity for the future continuation of educational and artistic production entities, both private and independent.

Finally, the opening of several notices (we suggest some that have already been approved by the control bodies) adding what governs LOC me his Art. 64, item II. We indicate that until 30 April, the first block of notices is launched, containing the entire balance for the previous year plus half of the current year's budget forecast, including the provisions of art. 66, II and III - up to 31 August, the second block of notices is launched, with the remaining balance of the current year, including the provisions of art. 66, II. It would be the amount of thirty million reais by the end of April, and more thirty million reais by the end of August. Such notices would include all cultural areas, that would welcome the minimum figure of eight thousand workers in the cultural chain, five thousand already registered with CEAC and another three thousand that are part of the sector and that until today are not officially computed by SECEC, but that are very important in the construction of the identity of the art and culture of the DF.

National and Federal District public notices that can be simultaneously reissued to meet the Class – Without CEAC and by 8.666 ( case of non-accredited technicians and artists):

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Public Notices of the Secretary of Culture:



www.fac.df.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/Edital-04-2017-Seal% C3% A7% C3% A3o-de-Projetos-FAC-2017-Regionalizado.pdf

www.fac.df.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/Edital-05-2017-Sele% C3% A7% C3% A3o-de-Projetos-FAC-2017-Ocupa% C3% A7% C3% A3o.pdf

www.fac.df.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/Edital-06-2017-Sele% C3% A7% C3% A3o-de-Projetos-Manuten% C3% A7% C3% A3o-de-Espa% C3% A7os-e-Manuten% C3% A7% C3% A3o-de-Grupos-Art% C3% ADsticos1.pdf

Leaving the Federal District scale, we are convinced that the solution will be in the articulation of public authorities at the district and federal levels to prevent a major collapse in the sector. So, we support the proposals already articulated on a national scale in the PL 1075/2020, PL 1089/2020, PL 1541/2020:

to) Release of retained amounts and anticipation of committed amounts from the National Culture Fund and the Sectorial Audiovisual Fund, that are linked to projects already approved and that cannot, by law, have any other destination. This will inject about R $ 1,5 billion in the sector as a whole, without burdening the central bank of the federal government and the federal district;

b) Granting a minimum wage, due to the removal of their duties for the duration of the measures to contain the virus, to individual microentrepreneurs (MAY) working in the cultural and creative field;

c) Granting of financial aid to artists, technicians and producers informal cultural, with the assistance of the Federal District Government to include workers who do not have social assistance records.

The proposals elaborated here are in agreement and support the various initiatives that occur on a national scale, state, district and municipal in the country, such as in DF: Charter of Cultural Spaces in DF,Open Letter from Music Professionals to the Federal Government, Letter from the Creative Economy Chamber of Fecomércio / DF, OFFICE No. 82/2020-GAB DEP. Watchman Boy, Letter from ABRAPE - Brazilian Association of Event Promoters, Letter from the Unified Front of Culture of the Federal District, Letter from the APTR Association of Theater Producers and we also support articulation on a national scale for artists, cultural producers and musicians (freelancers and Individual Microentrepreneurs – MAY) with a view to receiving a salary for removal from their duties, via National Social Security Institute (INSS) – approximately 19 thousand signatures; national articulation for the exemption by 2 (two) months of accounts for musicians, event and team producers, and autonomous – approximately 69,5 thousand signatures; Manifestation of the OAB / CE Cultural Rights Commission - CDCult; Proposed Letter for Cultural Policy in Amazonas in the time of COVID-19; Containment Measures for the Economic and Legal Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Cultural Sector, issued by Brazilian Forum for Cultural Rights - FBDC; and Communiqué of National Forum of State Secretaries and Culture Directors.

That said, we signed this letter ex Councilors and ex councilors of 1995 to 2018.

Alberto Peres Neto, civil society, Music segment of 2016 to 2019;
Anderson Ant , civil society in the Circus and Popular Culture segment 2017-2018;
André Muniz Leão, civil society, Audiovisual segment, from 2014 to 2018;
Carlos Alberto Xavier, representing the government, from 2015 to 2018;
Carlos Silva, civil society visual arts segment 2017 to 2018;
Claudia Rachid government representative of 2014;
Clerí Fichberg, Government and civil society representative, Circus and Popular Culture, 2011 to 2017;
Clerton Oliveira Evaristo, representing the Education of 2011 to 2014;
Daniela Diniz government representative of 2016 to 2018;
Deborah Aquino, civil society theater segment, from 2015 to 2018;
Fátima de Deus civil society of 1995 to 1998 representing the government of 2011 to 2013;
Izabela Brochado, UNB representative of 2011 to 2012;
Jaqueline Fernandes de Souza Silva, government representative 2018;
Johanne Madsen civil society dance area, from 1995 to 2000 and government representative of 2015 to 2018;
Who is Escosteguy, theater segment civil society 2011 to 2014;
Luiz Felipe Vitelli civil society Literature segment 2016 to 2018;
Marcio Moraes , civil society audiovisual segment 2009 to 2012;
Marcos Sílvio Pinheiro, representing the Education of 2015 to 2017;
Maria Antonieta Vilela Mendes, dance segment civil society 2018;
Pedro César Batista, civil society segment Literature, from 2014 to 2016;
Plinio Mósca, civil society in the Theater segment of 1999 to 2002;
Reginaldo de Almeida Moreira, dance segment civil society 2015 to 2016;
Romario Schettino representing the government of 2012 to 2015;
Verena Castro, civil society, Dance segment 2013 to 2015, and 2016 to 2018;
Victor Ziegelmeyer, civil society, Music segment of 2012 to 2016;
Yara De Cunto civil society segment dance of 1999 to 2002.

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