Campus Party: How the people from Brasilia behaved with topics about the risks of misuse of the internet

Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela was the masterful speaker at the Brasilia event


The fourth edition of Campus Party Brasilia happened in the last week and among the subjects discussed during Dr.. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela were the risks of misuse of the internet. according to the teacher, in the lecture, who had all the chairs occupied, it was clear that more than half of the audience that attended was not composed of young people, but by concerned parents and teachers.

“The most gratifying thing was being approached by young people who would like to understand how scientific research works and where to publish. This shows the national shortage of places to publish. I offered the support of my team and my journal which is free and as soon as the scientific journal Campus Party starts, many young people could become researchers, researchers and who knows, we train more scientists.”

According to neuroscientist, in the audience was also a minority of young people worried about their own future and the psychological conditions.


“This is related to the excessive use of social networks where the prevention and decision-making region of the brain is affected.. the virtual, semantic to unreal, it's a social networking culture formatted where many of these young people believe they're right, do not realize the need for help and change of habits. the narcissism, out of homeostasis, is a symptom of dramatic personality disorders that is already a problem, derived from this culture of excessive cell phone use”, said.

Fabiano said that the big problem is also due to the lack of perception of young people about the need for help or willingness to learn about these risks..

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“There is a difficulty in the will to learn because there is the decision-making region, which is the same as prevention and logic. So, she may be affected. We must also take into account that this region is not yet formed in the young, because it just finishes forming from the 24 at the age of 30 years and that is affected by this excessive use of social networks”, said.

Among the audience present, according to Fabiano, were parents, teachers, psychologists, since they are the most concerned about the subject.

“The young people who were there are all academics and they came to talk to me. They asked for tips on a career as a researcher and were worried about themselves.”, said.

Tour of Bolivia

Professor Fabiano de Abreu is also one of the speakers at the largest medicine event in Bolivia., o XI International Congress of Medicine of Aquinas University, what will happen in the cities of La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Oruro. The neuroscientist will talk about the risks of social networks for intelligence, disorders and mental illness and bears the name of Logos University International where he is Head of the Department of Science and Technology, at Universidad Santander where he is a professor, scientist and ambassador of the first neuroscience course in the history of Mexico, from the Heráclito Research and Analysis Center – CPAH, from Redilat, network of Latin American scientists and the US Society for Neuroscience.

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