Theological Café: The Sacred Music and Religious Music: convergences and divergences


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes the day 13 March 2019, Café Theological "The Sacred Music and Religious Music: convergences and divergences ", with the Prof. Me. André Rodrigo.

Although often confused, sacred music and religious music have their own definitions. Among similarities and dissimilarities, music represented by these two concepts covers a wide repertoire which is intended to specific times and places according to some aspects of different natures. What are these aspects? how to define, since, the sacred and the religious under the musical point of view?



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Prof. Me. André Guimaraes Rodrigo a Masters in Performance at Regency ECA-USP and graduated in music from UNICAMP. Student participant VI Eric Ericson Masterclass for choral conductors in Haarlem (Holland) and aluno bolsista da VI Summer Academy of Music Pedagogy and Choral of Las Palmas (Spain). He is currently Professor, conductor and founder of the Coral MAS-SP (Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo), conductor and founder of the Chorus A Cappella (Coral ancient Monastery - Monastery of São Bento in São Paulo), Regent's English Culture Pop Choir.

When: Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Time: 17h
Theme: The Sacred Music and Religious Music: convergences and divergences
Speaker: Prof. Me. André Guimaraes Rodrigo
Investment: R$ 20,00
Information: c / Fatima Paulino - (11) 5627-5393
Number of vacancies: 50 places
Address: Av. Tiradentes, 676
Free on-site parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43 (subject to capacity)
Tiradentes subway station

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