Brazil registers increase in religious books in recent years


Despite the considerable increase, authors and publishers manifested with the difference in numbers

The search data Production and Sales of the Brazilian Publishing Sector indicate the increase of 2%, between 2006 and 2019, in sales of religious books in Brazil. The percentage is not big, but some national authors within the Christian segment noticed a difference in sales, on the other hand, literary book publishers also feel a disproportion in relation to the titles in the editorial catalog.

The study was done by Nielsen Book, in coordination of Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) e do National Union of publishers of books (SNEL). However, the search Portraits of Reading in Brazil, in editing 2016, reported that there was an increase in readers and that the Bible is the most read genre in the country, resulting in 42% from the readers, while works, short stories and novels occupy, individually, 22% of indices.


Benefiting from data and believing in its effectiveness, to author Larissa Pessoa defended the indices: “Many say these numbers are quantitative, but not qualitative, but i think different. Quality and learning are individual, everyone knows what they gain from reading a book, whether Christian or not.”.

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The woman from Maceio is the author of “If it weren't for your love”, released in 2019, and is currently working on the editorial process of “Perfect Love”, the sequence of the story. The daughter of Larissa Pessoa, Sara Avelino, is following in her mother's footsteps for months and is currently working on editing her debut book, a christian children's plot.

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On the other hand, a publisher do Editorial Group Coherence, Lilian Vaccaro, positioned itself in defense of other segments of the publishing market: “Fiction and non-fiction titles end up being left behind when it comes to religion, however, in a country where reading is not encouraged by the government, the important thing is to preserve the habit.”

the publisher of Lilian Vaccaro contains works from different genres and literary segments, and despite not going against the indexes indicated by the research Production and Sales of the Brazilian Publishing Sector regarding religious titles, she believes in the importance of consuming any literary work, being a Christian plot or not.

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