Chat art moves the Aquino Angelo exposure, in the Valley of the Vines, with Ivair Reinaldim and Aquino Eduarda


On 20 July (Saturday), to A2 + Mul.ti.plo, unique contemporary art gallery in Petropolis, promotes conversation between the curators Ivair Reinaldim and Aquino Eduarda. The event takes place around the exhibition "Imaginary Landscapes”, from Angelo de Aquino (1945–2007), one of the best known names of contemporary Brazilian art. The exhibition presents works of one of the most powerful phases of the painter and draftsman, but at the same time little known to the public.

Signing the curatorial, Eduarda, daughter of the artist and responsible for the collection, gathered about 20 paintings made by his father over two decades. This is the moment when he leaves the conceptual art and back to the brushes, period of great poetic force. The show opened on 15 June and runs until 21 July, in the Valley of the Vines. The conversation opened at 17h30, with free admission. Vagas limitadas.

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Talk about the exhibition "Imaginary Landscapes", Angelo de Aquino
With: Aquino Eduarda (Curator) and Ivair Reinaldim (curator)
Date: 20 th July 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 17h30
Exhibition: from 15 from June to 21 July. Friday, the 7:0 pm to 10:0 pm; Saturday, from 11h to 16h and 19h to 22h; Sunday, from 11:00 to 4:00 pm
Local: A2 + Mul.ti.plo
End.: Warehouse of Vines – Estrada Almirante Paulo Meira, 8.400, store 5 – Petrópolis
Tel.: +55 24 2225-8802
Free Entry

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