The seven finalists of the contest 'I will play in Rio Station',
promoted between public schools, If
Flying present in Circus, day 2 August, às 17h

The contest Globo "I will play in Rio Station" is looking for a young musical talent among students of public schools. And to decide the winner - who will play in an edition of Rio Station, initiative that takes Brazilian music names for shows in Rio and Rio Grande -, It features an eclectic final at the Flying Circus. After receiving several inscriptions, the judging panel chose seven competitors who participate in the project closure on 2 August, Sunday, from 5 pm. The Becoming band, revelation of the SuperStar program, also will attend the free event with their repertoire black music.
As bandas Social Soul (State College Antonio Prado Junior and State College Affonso Penna) and Nile (State School Nile) defending compete music genre soul music. Will also go up to the stage of the contest the students who represent the popular Brazilian music, Alexandre as the group Z (Technical School João Luiz do Nascimento), the countryman Fernando Santorini (State School Mayor Luiz Guimaraes), a rock band Mahruy (State College professor Vieira Fazenda), the pagodeiros of Come to My Rhythm (Ciep 052 Teacher Romanda Gouveia Gonçalves) and also the metal CromatiK (State College-day Saints). During concerts, a jury will evaluate the performances of the participants and choose the winner of the night.
Closing presentations, Becoming the band will excite the public with a style that mixes the rhythms of black music with reggae sounds, soul, Blues, jazz, rock and even a hint of Brazilianness. O sextet, famous for giving a new look to songs already known, Chavez is formed by Amanda (voice and guitar), David Damasceno (ukulele and voice), Flavio Raggaman (trombone, ladder and voice), Theo Carvalho (violão), Fabio Lessa (low and low ukulele) and Raphael Souza (battery). In the Repertoire of the show, versions of Rude / Do not cry anymore (Magic!/Gilberto Gil) e All About The Bass (Meghan Trainor), group reality presented by SuperStar, plus Luiz Gonzaga hits, Amy Winehouse e Bob Marley.
During the contest period, students of Rio and 17 outros municípios da área de cobertura da Globo – que vai de Mangaratiba à Tanguá – enviaram vídeos cantando e tocando uma música autoral de no máximo um minuto e meio de duração. All entries were derived from students enrolled in the public school system.
O concurso cultural “Vou tocar no Estação Rio” foi criado com o intuito de fomentar a cultura, dar visibilidade a novos talentos e promover o encontro entre jovens artistas e músicos já consagrados.
Service: |
'I will play in Rio Station' |
Date: 2 August, Sunday |
Local: Flying Circus |
Address: Rua dos Arcos, s/n – Lapa |
Opening the gate: 17h |
Free entrance |
limited Capacity |
Rating 14 years |

River Station:
The River Station, conducted by the Globe sponsored by Coca-Cola, TIM and Multi Market support, aims to create opportunities for community living and appreciation of cultural traditions to the population.
Between the 27 attractions of the first season, the audience gave performances of artists such as Naldo, Beauty, Pericles, Black Race, Monoblock, Cidade Negra and before the throne, that amounted to 40 hours of music. With ten presenters, the project toured four cities (Duque de Caxias, Mosque, Japeri and Curitiba), four communities (Complexo do Alemão, Manguinhos, Cashew and complex city of God), a neighborhood (Anchieta) and a park (Quinta da Boa Vista).
The second season of the River Station took the stage Thiago Martins, Nxzero, Cristiano Araujo, 7 Top, Forfun, Natirus, Lucas Matthew, Hoang, Preta Gil, Spring line, Swing & Sympathy, Revelation, Bangalafumenga, Lenin, Imaginasamba, Great River, Streetcar of wonders, Art Popular, Sorriso Maroto, Father Omar and Daniel. The attractions were the audience of five municipalities (Tanguá, Mangaratiba, Duque de Caxias-Baixada Reveillon headquarters 2015 -Guapimirim and Niterói), two communities (Monkeys/Old Zoo and Vila Kennedy) and three neighborhoods (Ilha do Governador, Bangu and soccer field).
In this issue, the public has given concerts Anitta and Nando Reis, in Burnt, and Latin and Olodum, no Piscinão de São Gonçalo. A próxima edição do projeto será no dia 29 August, Purple in Beford, with Ludmila and Tá na Mind.
Future band's attraction in the grand final of battle of the bands sponsored by Globe
Future band's attraction in the grand final of battle of the bands sponsored by Globe
O concurso da Globo “Vou tocar…