Exhibition “spill and burn”, by Maria Eduarda Boabaid, shake up the art world, at Centro Cultural Correios RJ, with visceral color screens, reais, intense and deep

Maria Eduarda Boabaid. Photo: Disclosure.

The individual shows that art is resignification and expression of life, curated by Riccardo Tartaglia and Regina Nobrez. The exhibition “spill and burn”, artist Maria Eduarda Boabaid has stirred the Centro Cultural Correios RJ, with works in acrylic on canvas, turning words into feelings, using visceral colors, reais, intense and deep, showing that art … Read more

Interior designer Anna Persia Bastos talks about how furniture, aromas, colors and lighting can influence people's health and quality of life

Interior designer Anna Persia Bastos talks about how furniture, aromas, colors and lighting can influence people's health and quality of life, featured. Photo: Carol Thompson.

Professional chosen for the first edition of the ArchClub Yearbook 2022 explains that healthy homes and spaces contribute to inclusion, healthiness and sustainability Anna Persia Bastos is a businesswoman and space designer, dona do studio Persia Interiores e o seu maior prazer é projetar espaços que façam a diferença para as pessoas, pois acredita que osRead more

which fabric to choose? Maiori Casa shows the main differences and advantages of each model

Maiori Casa did a long research in search of the best pieces for families with dogs and cats. Photo: Maiori House.

Performance fabrics x decoration fabrics: find out which is the best option for your home Fabrics have been present in people's daily lives for many years. in the decoration, they are essential to offer personality, furniture style and safety, being a differential in interior and exterior projects. There are many options on the market today., variandoRead more

São Paulo is the Brazilian capital of museums: know 10 surprising options, Lt. Silvio Sallowicz

Ipiranga museum. Photo: Rovena Rosa / Brazil Agency.

Sallowicz, who specializes in tourism, makes a selection of museums that offer a very rich and diverse cultural collection of Brazilian and world history It is no secret that the capital of São Paulo has the largest number of museums in the country. One of the highlights is the Ipiranga Museum, which, after almost a decade closed to the public, … Read more

Miami neighborhood becomes international art destination

Wynwood Walls, Miami. Photo: Phillip Pessar from Miami, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wynwood represents the largest concentration of street art in the United States. A neighborhood abandoned by the government undergoes a huge cultural change and becomes an international art reference, attracting numerous tourists to the city. This is what happened to Wynwood, in Miami. This transformation was only possible, largely, by … Read more

Ava Galleria opens the exhibition “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch at Fábrica Bhering

Marcelo Drupat, junction III. Photo: Disclosure.

Ava Galleria opens the exhibition “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch at Fábrica Bhering, with artists from different countries,  honoring the cultural and artistic diversity of the wonderful city Mostra brings new emotions and meanings after the pandemic, com curadoria de Edson Cardoso A Ava Galleria abre a exposição “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch, in Bhering Factory, … Read more

write other bodies, Create other Margins

Marcelo Solá, Untitled, 2022, mixed technique on paper. Photo: Disclosure.

“The fabulation, dream and delirium as the power of invention” BELIZARIO Galeria exhibits the group show “Writing Other Bodies – Create Other Margins”, with Estêvão Parreiras, Laura Gorski, Marcelo Solá, Raquel Nava, Stella Margarita and Sara Has No Name + Juliana Franco, Raphael Abdullah, Victor Galvão, composed of 32 trabalhos que “apresentam múltiplos desafiosRead more

Opening Exhibition Living Nature

Live nature, featured. Photography: Lucia Adverse.

Project by Minas Gerais artist Lucia Adverse, curated by the Parisian gallery Ricardo Fernandes, takes place in Tiradentes between 20 and 23 October The historic Tiradentes is experiencing an intense cultural program at the end of October. On 20/10 (Thursday), acontece a abertura da exposição Natureza Viva, by Lucia Adverse, in the Roots Space, in the historic city center. … Read more

Rio de Janeiro hosts the exhibition “Victor Brecheret and the Modern Art Week of 1922”

Others He has done, Men working, 1922, card oil, 220 x 290 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

With approximately 50 works, twelve of them members of the historic event at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo in 1922, exhibition highlights, in four modules, rare and emblematic works by Victor Brecheret (1894-1955) and other modernist artists A Pinakotheke Cultural Rio de Janeiro, in collaboration with the Victor Brecheret Institute and the cultural initiative of … Read more