Exhibition “Cores e Formas do Brasil” of Lucila Maia by Edmundo Cavalcanti

It takes place in São Paulo at the Espaço Cultural do Conjunto Nacional on Av.. Paulista, 2073, the exhibition of 20 works about the trajectory of Lucila Maia. Opening Day 08 June from 10h to 22h. The exhibition runs until the day 28 June from 10h to 22h. A artista estará todos os dias para receberRead more

Drawing Prize, How to Draw Well by Silvia Reis

“To Know Draw is to Know See” - Silvia Reis There are basic rules to guide you step by step how to learn to draw. One of them, and the most important, is the perception of the object to be drawn. It is essential to good observation of it outline to define the shape. Isso não é difícil quando se trataRead more

SpARTakos, The Visual Artist from Greece

SpARTakos, born in 1980, is a self-taught visual artist. He was born and raised in Greece, in the region of Thrace, the land of Spartacus himself, whom he drew his inspiration from to create his artistic name. The real Spartakos (Latin: Spartacus) (c.109 -71 BC) was a Thracian, enslaved by the Romans, who found himself struggling like a … Read more

Marina Olivera Sangers – The Young Artist

Marina Olivera Sangers – The Young Artist Marina was born in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) in 15 august 1998 and is now living in the Netherlands. With only 15 years old, she is a young artist hoping to start selling her works. Ela ama fazer experimentos com diferentes materiais e tudo o que elaRead more

Gallery PontoArt and SP Estampa present the exhibition "Engravings and Techniques" by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The PontoArt Gallery presents this month of May the exhibition "Prints and Techniques", with works of engravers Ananda Peres, Arluce Gurjão, Beth Lima, Cassiano Pereira Nunes, Daniel Freitas, Flávio Bassani, Gabriel Spineli, Iolanda Cimino, Lucas Pennacchi, Maria Clarice Sarraf, Marcos Oliva, Marina Bellini, Marina Martinelli, Maurício Toledo Piza, Mi Castelani, Omar Santos and Rosalva Siqueira. … Read more

Exhibition Bahia, contemporary Bahia

Exhibition Bahia, Exposure contemporary Bahia Bahia, contemporary Bahia, Roberto Alban na art gallery, follows this desire in a muchmore specific way: reflecting on contemporary production from artists working from Bahia. We don´t intend to assert specific features, manners or accents. So that now, activate, ativar a presença de um olhar multicultural que também atravessou estaRead more

Course of Concept Art by Rod Pereira

This module is aimed at those artists who want to learn more depth how to create remarkable characters, functional and memorable as possible for Market Games and Movies. Throughout the course I will show you techniques on how to make a character to be genuinely heroic or villainous, using only a few basic shapes known worldwide for perception … Read more

The beauty Art and the sublime Art by Rosângela Vig

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: It’s through the artist’s hands, that the white space turns into Art. First the shapes, and then the colors, and the images outline the Art, which is the product of a thought, a world and a time. there were left … Read more

The Memorial Foundation hosts the 2º Autumn Salon in Latin America by Edmundo Cavalcanti

After the success of the 1° edition, is happening the 2° Autumn Salon in Latin America, from 9 May to 1º June of 2014, at Galeria Marta Traba of the Memorial Foundation in Latin America. Curated by Claude Martin Vaskou and Eliana Minillo, this hall is open to artists of all kinds. … Read more

Photographic Project Olhar de Baleia

Photographic Project Olhar de Baleia – “Lives at Sea but is not Fish” Olhar de Baleia (Look of Whales) is a series resulting from the way an artist sees everyday individual's relationship with the sea. It is an effect of the revolution of digital cameras, from the popularity of them as a consumer product in the late twentieth century. … Read more