Among scratches and licks, haiku & cats, Alvaro Posselt

Among scratches and licks, haiku & cats, Hello guys that Posselt Alvaro visits the Site works of art! I am with the new book, From scratches and licks – haiku & cats. … [highlight]Launch with Promotion:[/highlight] 1 por R$ 30,00, 2 por R$ 50,00, or 3 por R$ 60,00, frete incluso. … This promotion is valid … Read more

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Museu Ciência e Vida by Carolina Oliveira

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Science Museum and Life by Carolina Oliveira Concern for preserving the environment is a matter of free exhibition presented by Alliance Française DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN FRENCH JEAN PIERRE Gueno, A EXPOSIÇÃO FAZ REFERÊNCIA ÀS REFLEXÕES DE ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY EM RELAÇÃO À DESTRUIÇÃO DO PLANETA NA CLÁSSICARead more

Exhibition “An Unusual Look II” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The PontoArt invites for Exhibition: “An Unusual Look II” de Ananda Peres, Carla Caruso and Helena Ribeiro Paintings, drawings, collages, objects and sculptures Ananda Giordano Peres, together with Carla Caruso and technical support from their teachers and mentors, writer and illustrator, e Helena Ribeiro, artist and art educator, com obras eRead more

Visit to MuBE at the Exhibition “In Search of a New World”, of Beatriz de Carvalho by Rosângela Vig

Visit to MuBE at the Exhibition “In Search of a New World”, Beatriz de Carvalho by Rosangela Vig MUBE - Brazilian Museum of Sculpture Exhibition: In Search of a New World, by Beatriz de Carvalho The fantastic world of dreams seems to have left its characters on MUBE. This is the impression that the Brazilian Museum … Read more

Exhibition “Retratos do Tocantins” of AVISTO at the Art Gallery of Sesc by Sérgio Lobo da Rocha

Exhibition “Retratos do Tocantins” sighted at the Art Gallery of SESC by Sergio Wolf Rock VISUAL ARTISTS sighted De 08 to 28 th November of 2014, SESC de Artes Gallery Vernissage: 08 November, at 19h. Invitation of the Event: [facebook] Participating Artists: Almecides Aparecida Lacerda Carminha Ciro Cláudio Macagi Cláudio Montanari FernandoRead more

“CONNECTIONS” Collective Art Exhibition by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Another great exhibition going on in São Paulo-SP, a great opportunity to enjoy beautiful artworks in the charming and traditional Gallery of the House of Portugal of São Paulo. The ABRASCI – Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Arts, History and Literature, under the direction of Samir Chelala and curation of Waldireni Morais Chelala, realiza em parceria com a CasaRead more

Exhibition “More Love, Please” in CDN Space of Arts of Lu Valença

The artist Lu Valencia invites us to a journey into the loving universe, with the Exhibition More Love, Please. “Love is vital to our lives as the air, and is well recognized that without love the creature does not survive. I speak of love in many different ways: physical love, platonic love, maternal love, love … Read more

1ª Mostra Itapetininga of Art by Edmundo Cavalcanti

In celebration of the anniversary of the city of Itapetininga in São Paulo, the artist and curator Ângela Cardoso Oliveira, will be promoting the 1ª Mostra Itapetininga of Art. The event will be held at the beautiful and traditional Clube Venâncio Ayres, from day 04 November 2014 from 20:00 hrs. Will be … Read more

Gabriela Stančík, The Young Visual Artist from Slovakia

Gabriela Stančík, The Young Visual Artist Slovakia I dedicate myself to drawing and painting since my childhood. By my work i use different artistic materials and techniques. I was born on 8 th December 1987, Slovakia. “I often draw various portraits and figures, I let myself inspire by movies, e a partir disso euRead more

Middle Ages, Romanesque Art and Gothic Art by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 -View of the chancel of the Cathedral of Pisa, in the city of Pisa Italy, built between 1064 and 1118. The Figure of Christ is the background, in a gesture of blessing.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: The Art of the Middle Ages - PART I - Western Rome Like a man who sees wonders in dreams and once awake retains in his memory only the impression of having seen wonders, yet still retains impression of the feeling in his dream? – … Read more