Cinematheque displays American classics of the 1930

Cinematheque displays American classics of the 1930 In August, the film society of the Cinematheque of Curitiba displays on Saturdays American movies of the Decade 1930. With the advent of sound, the era witnessed a revolution in the world and film production, mainly in the United States, são consolidados os grandes estúdios e consagrados astros e estrelas em Hollywood como CaryRead more

Artist exposes works on San Francisco in the Museum of sacred art

Artist exhibits works on San Francisco at the Museum of Sacred Art “Francisco and the Song of Creatures” is the theme of the exhibition that artist Daniel Daniel Moreira opens next Sunday (9), in the Museum of sacred art. As obras são inspiradas no cântico composto por São Francisco para agradecer a Deus a belezaRead more

Musicians curitibanos do homage to João Nogueira

Musicians curitibanos do homage to João Nogueira the show this Friday (7), in the theater of the Armory, It is dedicated to the compositions of John Nogueira, one of the great names of samba and Brazilian music. The tribute will be paid by Curitiba musicians Julião Boêmio and Fábio Silva, who put together a repertoire with the composer's greatest hits … Read more

New opportunities of slots at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Conservatory of MUSIC. Photo: Doreen Marques.

New opportunities for jobs in MPB MPB Conservatory The Conservatory offers remaining vacancies in instruments courses, theory and practice of set for the second half of this year. To register you need to access the Conservatory until day 09 August, fill out the form and participate in the selection process. Are … Read more

“Paranã” premiere this Thursday at the Teatro Curitibanas Novels

“Paranã” opens on Thursday at Teatro Novelas Curitibanas The theater show “Paranã” opens on Thursday (6), at the Teatro Curitibanas Novels, bringing to the stage the staging of unpublished works for the theatre of the authors Dalton Trevisan, Wilson Bueno and Domingos Pellegrini. Designed by Nena Inoue, the scenic area, the production brings together actors and directors from different … Read more

Thursday is day Cry wheel at the Conservatory of MUSIC

Thursday is Roda de Choro day at the Conservatory of MPB The traditional Roda de Choro returns to the weekly agenda of the Conservatory of MPB in Curitiba. The program brings together informally local artists and the public interested in chorinho with performances every Thursday, from 5 pm, under the command of Jain Bohemian … Read more

Dan Torres presents the Armory songs for soap operas

Dan Torres presents the Armory songs for soap operas the singer Dan Torres, known for his romantic songs and the songs recorded for novels, presents this Wednesday (5), at 9:30 pm, in the theater of the Armory. In the show, He played such hits as "Lucy in the sky with diamonds", opening theme of the novel "Empire", "Unchained melody", of … Read more

The atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the Jewish Museum of Berlin are matters of the session + Philos Globosat

The atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the Jewish Museum in Berlin are subjects of the Philos Session of +Globosat Saturday, 08 August, at 4:30 pm the session Philos next Saturday, day 8, brings to the audience a special documentary, After the week that marks the 70 years of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. “O dia emRead more

Alliance Française gallery Botafogo inaugurates exhibition on the feminine beauty and Urban Representation

Galeria Aliança Francesa Botafogo opens an Exhibition on Feminine Beauty and Urban Representation Vernissage: Tuesday, 04 August, at 7:30 pm Visitation: from 05 august to 06 October 2015 The exhibition “Urban Princesses” by photographer Raphaël Blum will open at the Galeria da Aliança Francesa in Botafogo on Tuesday, 04 August, às 19h30, … Read more

Cultural Foundation opens registration for opera singing course

Cultural Foundation opens registration for singing course for the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba opened, This Monday (3), registration for the free course "core of Curitiba's Opera" that will launch day 14 September in Room Scabi at Solar do Barão. As atividades serão orientadas pelo tenor Ivan Paulo Leme de Moraes envolvem técnicaRead more