Globe leads to fans of blues free presentations in Copacabana

Special Edition of the sound of the city takes place between 28 October and November 1st Copacabana will be packed by the blues between the days 28 de outubro e 1º de novembro durante a edição especial do Som da Cidade – projeto de música instrumental da Globo que dá visibilidade aos artistas que fazem a trilha sonora doRead more

Seminar presents research on cultural patrimony of Curitiba

The Curitiba Cultural Foundation promotes in days 27 and 28 October, in Curitiba Memorial, the third edition of the seminar of Cultural Heritage, with submission of papers and research encouraged by the Municipal Fund of culture. The projects have as final product works on different aspects of the culture and history of Curitiba. The … Read more

Fashion Business River happens in October at Pier Maua

Business scholarship will be 27 to 29 October Side event will have seminar on Retail, New Creators parade and artistic installations The new edition of Fashion Business Rio is confirmed, scheduled for the days 27, 28 and 29 October, in the warehouse 2 the pier Mauá. Focusing on fall/winter collections … Read more

Alliance Française receives French animation film festival with free entry

Programação do Animation Cinema Festival 2015 will be held from 26 to 30 October, in Botafogo The French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the Cinematheque of the French Embassy presents, from 26 to 30 October, a Fête du Cinéma d’Animation 2015, um ciclo de filmes de animação franceses de longaRead more

Reading space Eucalyptus promotes Week of Terror

The Eucalyptus Reading Space, one of the units of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation in Alto Boqueirão, promotes from next Monday (26), the week of terror. With a program aimed at children and adolescents, o espaço fará exibição de filmes, contação de histórias sobre vampiros, além de jogos literários em que os participantes escolhemRead more

Latsia receives project lessons regional Our Corner

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba offers free vocal technique workshops and choral practices, by the project “Our Corner” in the Regional Boqueirão, Santa Felicidade, Pinheirinho and Boa Vista. The news is for the Cajuru Regional Region, which will now receive the “Our Song” Project with guidance from the Choir of the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba and supervision by … Read more

Rodrigo Franzão represents the Brazil with two works in textile art biennial in Ukraine, that starts day 22 October

In the exhibition Fibremen 5, of which only involved men who make art using fabric, Franzão will present two works of his own. While terminating his exhibition "Katharsis", in New York City, in the Gallery of the National Arts Club Marquis, the artist Rodrigo Franzão celebrates its participation at the bienal Fibremen 5 – International TextileRead more

' How long has ' will be displayed in the International Film Festival of Sao Paulo

Director Adriana L. Dutra discusses the time-and the lack of it – in documentary with interviews with thinkers, scientists and writers like André Comte-Sponville, Domenico De Masi, Nélida Piñon and Marcelo Gleiser "a movie for those who have time, don't have time or don't know what to do with the time ", says Adriana L. Dutra … Read more

Ukrainian Memorial Celebrates 20 years

With folkloric group presentation and opening of a photo exhibition, the Ukrainian Memorial Celebrates next Sunday your 20th anniversary. 15h, There will be a presentation of the choir of the Poltava Club, followed by the opening of the exhibition of photographer Ruy Rebka Prado, with images from opening day, in 26 October 1995. The … Read more

Registrations are now open for the training courses of the Panamericana

PANAMERICAN SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Registration for Training courses can be made until the day 31 October The Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design has enrolled for training courses in the areas of design, art, sets, photography, Interior design and animation. Those interested have until the day 31 … Read more