Living with differences is the workshop theme SESC Sorocaba

Activity for the elderly is free Living with people close to you will be the theme of the workshop “Finding the other as a legitimate other”, performed during days 4, 11, 18 and 25 November, the 4th, at 14:30, the hall 2 SESC Sorocaba. The activity, aimed at those who have more than 60 years, é gratuitaRead more

Curitiba Music Workshop extends registration to 90 courses

Registration for the 34th Curitiba Music Workshop have been extended for the day 15 November. A Bureau of happens 7 to 27 January 2016, still has 90 courses with job openings in the areas of classical music, old, música popular, technological and in the city's Regional. Entries must … Read more

Baroque by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 8 – Las Meninas, or The Family of Felipe IV, 1656, Oil on canvas, Diego Velázquez, Museo del Prado, Royal Collection. Featured.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: My God, who hangs from a tree, Against whose law I protest living, Under whose Holy law I will die, Courageous, steady, firm and whole: In this passage, to be the last, For I see my dark life; Yes, my Jesus, … Read more

Project 'Pan Music' brings eclectic attractions in November

Shows will be held on Sundays at SESC Sorocaba The "Pan Music", that brings to the public musical performances accompanying the special menu of comedoria SESC Sorocaba Sunday, bring five styles of shows ranging from the root samba to blues. All presentations will be held at 13h, na área deRead more

Winter 16 - Gustavo Carvalho

The Inspiration A trip to Santiago, no Chile. It was the first time the designer Gustavo Carvalho traveled out of Brazil and it has expanded its look, because if you come across an urban behavior full of attitude and influenced by sportswear, a more individualistic fashion expression. Esse profundo mergulho serviu para reafirmar o DNA da marcaRead more

Cultural stream will display over 70 movies

The cinemas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation, the Cultural Center Dante Alighieri and the SESC Palace of Liberty have a special program this week of Cultural Chain, from 3 to 8 November. They appear over 70 short and feature film productions, several times and trends, with countless options for the adult audience … Read more

Artist Tatiana Mendonça closes the Triad display with time of interaction with the audience with paintings on shirts

TRIAD Closing: Saturday, day 31 October, from 10 am to 14h Street Gal. Venancio Flores 481 The. Leblon Rio de Janeiro artist Tatiana Mendonça celebrates the successful season of the Tríade exhibition next Saturday, 31, from 10 am to 14, at Galeria Rezende Assessoria de Arte, Leblon, with moment of interaction with the public. … Read more

Exhibition “New Talent Conference” in Panamericana

Show brings together projects and works of fine arts students Curated by Claudio Tozzi, a Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design apresenta ao público a exposição “Coletiva Novos Talentos”, from 03 to 20 November, que reúne pinturas em madeira e acrílico e impressões em Fine Art produzidos por alunos do curso de ArtesRead more

Concert with hits from Etta James closes the Philos in + Globosat

Saturday, 31 October, 16.30 Closing the month of programming, on 31, the program displays the concert "Etta James and The Roots Band at Montreux", an Assembly with the biggest hits of the singer Etta James, and also the "Infra", show created for the Royal Ballet. Saturday, at 4:30 pm 31/10 – “Etta James e TheRead more