Thais Gulin singer will perform at Sesc Sorocaba

A musicista é considerada uma das grandes revelações pela revista Rolling Stone A cantora Thaís Gulin fará um show no teatro do Sesc Sorocaba no dia 11 of december, Friday, at 9:00 pm, at the theatre. In addition to his songs, She will present readings of great national and international names in music. Os ingressos estão disponíveis na CentralRead more

Rio Grande band brings the sound of the Chicago blues to Sesc Sorocaba

Presentation is to publicize the disc ' Rose's Cafe ' the feeling and the sound of the Chicago blues (United States) will be the attraction of the show of the band Rio Grande, that will be at Sesc Sorocaba the day 11 of december, Friday, at 8:0 pm, in the living area. The event is part of the project "Sound in the area", who … Read more

Biggest festival of lights in Latin America, Mapping River Festival begins on Thursday, 10, with intervention in the Park of the ruins

The Festival is housed in various parts of the city and State of Rio de Janeiro 10 to 20 December Rio de Janeiro receives from 10 to 20 December the second edition of the Mapping Festival River, considered today the largest festival of lights in Latin America, e oferece ao público a oportunidade deRead more

Sesc Sorocaba offers ecopráticas workshops in December

Cultivo de orquídeas e produção de hortas verticais são algumas das atrações A programação de meio ambiente do Sesc Sorocaba traz, in the month of December, ecopráticas workshops and chat about domestic waste reduction. All activities, carried out in days 10, 12 and 17, are free. To participate, basta retirar os ingressos com umaRead more

Children's Opera honors the masters of music in the chapel Santa Maria

Works by masters like Ravel, Rossini, Pergolesi and Telemann will be part of the unprecedented "master mount!? Oops!”, It will be staged by Infantojuvenil Coral Chat this Friday (11) it is Saturday (12), at 8:0 pm, in the chapel Santa Maria. The play, It has scenic direction of Carlos Harmuch, make an arrangement of scenes from comic intermezzos, fantasias líricas eRead more

Globe brings together experts to talk about the economic crisis in new edition of Cultures

Mara Luquet and Eduardo Moreira will debate the subject, day 10, at the Globo Kiosk The economic crisis that has affected the pockets of Brazilian families is the theme of the day's Sea of ​​Cultures 10 of december, Thursday, at 19h, in the Kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana. For the meeting entitled "Shoo crisis: como superar osRead more

This month Ilustradoria project promotes trade fair of zines and shows of drawings

The event aims to disseminate the art of independent illustration The Ilustradoria project, developed for designers, will have, in its last edition of the year, a trade fair of zines (independent illustration magazines) and shows of drawings. The event will be held on 10 of december, farm, at 18h, in the living area of ​​the … Read more

Latin American stage production will be presented at Sesc Sorocaba

O espetáculo celebra o centenário do autor argentino Julio Cortázar O espetáculo “Imago – Uma lua n’água”, Matula Theatre Group, will be staged at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba the day 10 of december, farm, at 8:0 pm. The piece is a Latin-American production and celebrates the 100 years of birth of Argentine author Julio Cortazar. … Read more

Artist Read Bapi Awarded at the International Biennial of art of Germany

The artist Read Borges, He participated with his work Rising Nebula, at the international biennial in Dortmund, Germany, by Eric Art Gallery – SP, in the days 16 to 18 October 2015, where his work was awarded with silver medal. [facebook] Read Borges is participating with their award-winning work, the international exhibition, na Associação deRead more

Alliance Française carries out chat about the importance of the work of Simone de Beauvoir in literature, in the movies and in the lives of women

Filmmaker Lucia Murat and Léonard Collette debate the theme and the director's latest film, ' In three acts ', based on the texts of the French writer Next Wednesday, 09, às 19h30, the Auditorium of the Alliance Française Botafogo receives filmmaker Lucia Murat and film expert Leonard Collette to the chat “It is literature … Read more