Pet place: leisure area for pets on the rise in developments

Pet place: leisure area for pets on the rise in developments. Photo: Yticon / Disclosure.

Brazil has the second largest population of pets in the world; residential real estate developments follow a change in structure The expression ‘pet friendly’ has become routine in the life of Brazilians. The phrase in English means that the place accepts the entry and stay of domestic animals. O aumento da presença dos bichinhos nos estabelecimentos éRead more

Learn how to bring classic movie decor into your home

Learn how to bring classic movie decor into your home. Image of mrsiraphol on Freepik.

Style is composed by the balance between light and dark tones, bulky upholstery and gold details Some people intend to put the property up for sale and don't know how to make it attractive and differentiated, in the face of market competitiveness. Inspiration can be found in those movies that are available on streaming services., about princes and princesses … Read more

Tips when choosing a sink for your kitchen

Tips when choosing a sink for your kitchen. Imagem de katemangostar no Freepik.

Know that the kitchen sink goes far beyond aesthetics, after all, this is an item that needs to be functional, since we are talking about an environment that is used for preparing meals, so there's no point in being a beautiful space if it's not practical. Mas isso não quer dizer queRead more

Free: Central Plaza Shopping has a new exhibition with paintings by the artist Marcelo Cunha

Work by Marcelo Cunha, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The exhibition “Countrymen and Others” has paintings produced by the artist, who is quadriplegic and paints with the aid of his mouth and feet Always willing to ensure connections with quality culture, o Central Plaza Shopping, largest shopping and entertainment center in the Vila Prudente region, in partnership with ABRASCI … Read more

FONIF launches a Photography contest – “Perspectives on Philanthropy”

Fonif Photo Contest. Disclosure.

Contest seeks to celebrate and recognize images of philanthropic work recorded by amateur and professional photographers from all over Brazil The National Forum of Philanthropic Institutions (FONIF) launch the contest “Perspectives on Philanthropy”, an unprecedented project that seeks to celebrate and recognize images of philanthropic work recorded by amateur and professional photographers from all over Brazil. The … Read more

Textile sector opens exhibition to value Brazilian fabric and weavings

Brazilian Textile Art and Design Exhibition. Disclosure.

With innovative format, free exhibition proposes an immersive and sensory experience in the productive universe of the Brazilian textile segment for decoration. Day 4 March, Saturday, the exhibition Art and Brazilian Textile Design will be open to the public at the Galeria Objectos do Olhar, in Baixo Augusta. The main Brazilian weavers participate: Abduche, Cootegal, Dahruj, Endutex, Lady, Lalitex, Lartex, … Read more

Good childhood memories are also in the decor.

Solar In Modena. Photo: Yticon/ Disclosure.

Color, texture and sensory elements are essential items to ensure comfort and affective memories for little ones in the different stages of childhood If we ask an adult about some of his childhood memories, certainly the memory of toys, das cores e da decoração do quarto estará no topo da lista. Isso não se trata apenasRead more

Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, in Rio de Janeiro, receives canvas made by Eduardo Kobra in honor of Gloria Maria

Urban artist Eduardo Kobra observes the work Eternamente Gloria, which will be on display from this Saturday at the Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture. Photo: Studio Kobra/Disclosure.

The work, from 4 meters by height by 3 meters wide, will be displayed until 11 March. Admission is free. Muhcab opens the door to a star. This Saturday (11 February), the Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, maintained by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Rio, recebe uma enorme tela comRead more

National Historical Museum is the subject of live on the day 15 February, at 3:0 pm

Beige cotton jacket with phytomorphic embroidery. cotton and metal, Mauritania (After). Photo: loyal trait.

Journalist, costume designer, museóloga, dressmaker – how would you like to be called -, teacher and collector, Sophia Jobim bequeathed to the Museu Histórico Nacional the collection of artistic objects and pieces of clothing that she gathered throughout 30 years. The donation took place posthumously in 1968, by his brother Danton Jobim, introducing a new theme to the policy of … Read more

In the shadow of the Cold War: A theft, a disappearance and many crimes

Book "Beyond the Smoke" by Edvaldo Silva, cover - featured. Disclosure.

no tangle of “Beyond the Smoke”, Edvaldo Silva builds an ingenious investigation that crosses borders and reaches Brazil The year was 1987, the city of berlin, capital of germany, it was divided by a wall that prevented anyone from crossing to the other side and the rubble of the Second World War could still be … Read more