Author Karen Alvares raises the banner of Women in Horror

According to writer the world needs more of the genre created by women In times of crisis or not, live literature in Brazil has never been an easy task. And for women who write horror doors have become even more closed. The author Karen Alvares – que escreve obras de terror e suspenseRead more

Introduction Course adolescents to inaugurate Photography exhibition in the north

photo exhibition opens in 24 November at the Big House of Culture of Vila Guilherme. Artists are teenagers 13 to 16 years of the Parque Vila Maria, students of the "Photosensitive" On 24 November, to 10 am, 30 adolescentes inauguram uma exposição de fotografia com trabalhos que produziram com empenhoRead more

Modernists Gallery hosts exhibition of Charlotte Lisbon

The show “Sea”, the artist Charlotte Lisbon, closes the calendar 2018 the Modernists Gallery, in Santa Teresa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro. The exhibition will be opened on 24 November and will be on display until 20 January 2019. In its path, the artist developed his work with diversity: charcoal, … Read more

Rio Art Museum opens the exhibition "Women in the Collection SEA"

WOMEN IN COLLECTION SEA Opening: 16 November, 16h Free entrance during the World Women Festival, from 16 to 18/11 Curated By: Team MAR Season: by April 2019 The Museu de Arte do Rio, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opens to the public on 16 de novembro a exposição “Mulheres na ColeçãoRead more

unprecedented fair brings together products "There da Serra" in the Botanical Garden [RJ]

Carandaí Rua Visconde de becomes collaborative polo in days 10 and 11 November Food made with love has a special flavor. Food harvested fondly further! In the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, é possível encontrar diversas histórias de pequenos produtores que dedicam suas vidas e tempo à produção de alimentosRead more

“We reached more years, but we have less time to live”, says Fabiano de Abreu

The philosopher said to have found the answer to the question: Do not you think the time is passing too fast? There are 40 years, a person 50 years was considered an old. Women wore coke and men dressed formally, and they were respected for being old. Currently, "Young elderly" of 70 full years show signs of youth. … Read more

Actress comments speeches of the president-elect on the Rouanet Law and the difficulties of the artistic community

Actress Naty Bittencourt talks about the outlook for the artistic community after Jair Bolsonaro election and the controversy of the Rouanet Law, and the difficulties faced by Brazilian artists. The actress Naty Bittencourt makes theater for over 10 years. It is formed in Physiotherapy, but decided to follow his dream, e seRead more

Concrete poetry wins objects and installations in an unprecedented show at the Ruins Park, in Santa Teresa

from 10 th November of 2018 until 13 January 2019 Concrescer is an exhibition inspired by the Brazilian concrete poetry and presents ten works (objects and installations) created between 1983 and 2017, by the artists Francisco Zorzete and Jorge Bassani, a partir da leitura e da reinterpretação plástico-espacial de poemas concretistas da primeira fase –Read more

Museum of Photography opens shows Abraham Votroba and Sandro Riquetti

This Wednesday (07/11), the Curitiba City Photography Museum opens two photographic exhibitions. The exhibition Inner Travel, Abraham Votroba do Argentine photographer is installed na sala 1. Already show the artist Sander Riquetti, It is mounted on the pencil room. With free and free rating, both shows open simultaneously at 19h. ambas exposições ficamRead more

Notice selects project for the production of Rancho Block of Flowers

The Curitiba Cultural Foundation opened public call notice for selection block production projects Rancho Flores, which will integrate the attractions of the grid Carnival 2019. Traditional Carnival group Curitiba, Rancho Flores is made up of the elderly participants of the social programs of Curitiba. … Read more
