4 Museums in the Amazon that tell about art and culture in the midst of the forest

4 Museums in the Amazon that tell about art and culture in the midst of the forest. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Instituições ajudam a preservar uma das mais ricas regiões do Brasil e do mundo A Amazônia é vista como o grande pulmão do mundo. Whether by history or biodiversity, Much of it is located in Brazil. Nature, beauty, and very important in the history of Brazil and originating people, apresenta uma forteRead more

Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door, by Juliana Vannucchi

Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door. Photo: Disclosure.

Cynthia Ross, acclaimed Legend of the Underground scene of New York, breathes art from a young age, Since it was during childhood that he learned to play piano. Later, experienced the most explosive period of American punk rock, closely following the emergence and maturation of C.B.G.B's main bands, e formando nessa época seu próprioRead more

Questions about how to join the boho decoration in your home? Check 8 Great tips!

Questions about how to join the boho decoration in your home? Check 8 Great tips!. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Bright colors, Handcrafted pieces and elements of nature are ways to make your home in the boho decoration style! Boho decoration has been very successful in interior design. This is because the style brings together diverse elements, with different materials, textures and models that make up a more rustic aesthetic, vintage and handcrafted, that is usually … Read more

O Fascinating Artístico De Soraya Balera Por Juliana Vannucchi

Soraya work Balera. Photo: Disclosure

To artist Soraya Tlera, born in Itapetininga, firmou-se nos últimos anos como um destaque do universo artístico independente de Sorocaba e região. Seu vasto currículo acumula uma série de participações em diversas e exposições locais (such as, for example, em eventos realizados na Prefeitura e no Shopping Cianê), além de várias homenagens recebidas ao longo dosRead more

Search for “Looks Carnaval” In RJ register an increase in 174% No Google: Check out artistic paintings to do at the party

Search for "Carnival looks" In RJ register an increase in 174% no Google: Check out artistic paintings to do at the party. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Artistic facial paintings highlight the costume and are great to save on the look and enjoy several days with different themes Carnival is the most anticipated time of the year by Brazilians, that already plan and rehearse for months to leaf between February and March. In Brazil, This festivity attracts tourists and drives several … Read more

Discover the time of timeless writers in Brazil open to visitation

Discover the time of timeless writers in Brazil open to visitation. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

How to know the vast imaginary world from houses where authors wrote their works of classical Brazilian literature who likes the world of books often imagine how the writer built that story and in which environment worked the most diverse narratives. There are incredible opportunities to know a little more about the authors' world, … Read more

Small bathrooms: How to ensure space optimization?

Small bathrooms: How to ensure space optimization?. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Decorating and styling a narrower environment can be challenging, But not impossible today, more compact spaces are a reality in many modern apartments and houses. However, Despite the reduced space, It is possible to transform them into functional environments, comfortable and even sophisticated. With smart furniture choices, colors and accessories, Each centimeter can be well used, … Read more

Vintage decoration for the house: What is and how to apply in the environment?

Vintage decoration for the house: What is and how to apply in the environment?. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

With elements of the past and a lot of elegance, The vintage decoration has been taking over the Brazilian homes decorating the house can be a very fun task, especially when it comes to thematic decorations. For those who love specific styles, Studying about the most varied types of decoration to apply at home is a playful experience, but, to … Read more

8 Best cultural centers in Brazil for those who love art

8 Best cultural centers in Brazil for those who love art. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

These spaces around the country are full of culture and art, Being a full plate for art enthusiasts immersing the art and culture world is always a rich and sensitive experience, being possible to travel through the most diverse scenarios, human feelings and ideas through artistic expressions. Be them paintings, photographs, exhibitions … Read more

Minimalism: The trend that transforms environments with elegance and functionality

Minimalism: The trend that transforms environments with elegance and functionality. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Understand what decorative aesthetics is that transforms environments and redefines spaces, minimalism has established itself as one of the main trends in the contemporary scenario, especially in the areas of architecture and decoration. Focused on simplicity and functionality, This style combines elegance with a neutral color palette and practical objects, creating clean spaces and … Read more