Actors piece in the blind staging gate Cultural


Till Friday (6/12), auditorium Antonio Carlos Kraide and Cine Guarani display parts and films accessible to those who can not see and hear. It is the second meeting for All.

Four actors with varying degrees of visual impairment and a guide dog are cast in the part Yes, one of the attractions of II Meeting for All: The Art of Transforming Power, which starts on Thursday (5/12), Cultural gate.


Staged the group Feet on the ground, the piece is inspired by the novel Blindness essay, the Portuguese writer José Saramago. They are part of the cast the actors Luiz Guilherme Colaço, Luis Gustavo Moreira de Andrade and Vinicius Davyd, who are blind, Luccas and Juliana dos Santos, low vision. The guide dog Blackberry will also be on show, with 80 minutes long.

Seeing and making art

Promoted by the Training Center of State Guido Viaro (CZECH) – that 10 students with varying degrees of visual impairment and two deaf – the II Meeting for All It is an exhibition of theater and cinema with accessibility features. The event coincides with the week we commemorate the International Day of People with Disabilities (3/12).

"Students of the ECSC are lovers and also protagonists of the art, the first time this meeting ", says Professor Diele Pedrozo Santo, founder and coordinator of the Project View Hands, which supports the event.

An exhibition of ceramics and other photos adapted also part of the show. The City is a partner of the entity holding the meeting, you have free admission.

Programming varied and affordable

For two days, ECSC of the students will be divided between the stage and the audience four pieces three films and a discussion on inclusion and accessibility, represented by the provision of audio description, subtitling and Brazilian Sign Language (Pounds).

Result of the free center for arts courses that rely on the supply of these resources, the Malala parts, Storm, College and It will be staged on the first day of the event, in the auditorium Antonio Carlos Kraide. The first two have audio description and the last two, Apart from this feature, Also translation Pounds.

In the second day (6/12), NO cinema Guarani, They will be shown a short film and a documentary. This will also be the day of the debate with Felipe Mianes, who has visual impairment and is in documentary All – film that addresses the differences between people. The debate will take place between views. This film and the chat will have audio description and translation Pounds. Already short The Employee Death You will only have audio description.

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theatrical performances
Auditorium Antonio Carlos Kraide
(Cultural Gate – Av. Argentina Republic, 3430)

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Malala (15h)
Direction: Felipe court

Duration: 20 min
Rating: free
audio description

Storm (16h)
Direction: Felipe court

Duration: 65 min
Rating: free
audio description

school (19h)
Direction: Marcelo Cabarrão
Duration: 90 min

Rating: 16 years
Audio description and Pounds

Yes (20h)
Direction: Marcelo Cabarrão
Duration: 80 min
Rating: 16 years

Audio description and Pounds

Cine Guarani
(Cultural Gate – Av. Argentina Republic, 3430)

All (15h)

Direction: Marilaine Castro da Costa and Luiz Alberto Cassol
Duration: 76 min
Rating: free
Audio description and Pounds

Chat about the film (16H20)
Felipe Mianes (character and consultant)

Audio description and Pounds

The Employee Death
fiction short film
Direction: William Biglia
Duration: 18 min

audio description

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