April cultural activity at the Eva Klabin House Museum


Eva Klabin House Museum | Research workshop on indigenous cultures


In the month of April, the Eva Klabin House Museum offers the public an activity that provokes reflections on the different cultures within the Brazilian territory, to Workshop “Known-Unknown”. Her, participants are encouraged to travel through different indigenous cultures through photographs, in order to observe and discuss the similarities and differences between different ethnic groups.

It is known that Brazil was constituted by different cultures, including many from indigenous nations. Contrary to what you can imagine, these groups have cultural differences expressed through physical characteristics, habits, Languages, rituals and etc..

The “Known-Unknown” activity proposes a tour of some of these indigenous groups in order to discover the peculiarities that can help us understand what differs or approaches in each of these cultures..


for this trip, the institution's education program uses a set of images from some communities, which participants investigate with their eyes, perceptions and creativities. throughout the action, that demands a watchful eye, new discoveries surprise the public.

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In addition to the educational activity, people will be able to take the opportunity to do a double program, buying ticket also to visit the museum at 14:00 or 16:00.


Saturdays and Sundays at 3pm
One piece: R$ 15,00
Half student/elderly: R$ 7,50
Free: Public school teachers and students, people with disabilities and PCD companion. Prior appointment required.

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