Art and Creation Studio promotes mega exhibition of painting with a focus on 27 Brazil states;


Curators make a special call to artists from all over Brazil and the world; registration is free and open now, with the objective of promoting the figurative expression of visual arts among Brazilian artists and illustrators residing in Brazil and abroad, and foreigners who live in Brazil and abroad who feel joy in painting Brazil.

Even in times of pandemic and social isolation, the order is the artist's gaze never stop. Quite the contrary.

This is the stimulus that the Atelier of Art and Creation Galeria Carioca, based in Rio de Janeiro, is offering a mega event to the public and Brazilian and foreign visual artists and artists, whose aim is to promote pictorial expression, figurative and digital, with creation and elaboration of paintings and illustrations that portray in different styles the most beautiful characteristics of each one of 27 Federation States. The event is open to national artists resident in Brazil and abroad and foreigners resident in Brazil and abroad.


Through "Pinta Brasil Contest 2020”Ten works will be selected by State, a total of 270 works that will be part of a Mega Exposition in 2021 gathered at “Salão Brasil Pintado”, in place and date to be defined.

Registration for the contest is open from the day 6 April and go to 6 May 2020, as detailed in the Regulation described on the official website, as link at the end of the text. After registration, the deadline for preparing and sending photos of the works is up to 6 th July 2020.

“The current reality of a pandemic with the imperative need for the population to stay at home has prompted us to start calling on artists and illustrators to give them occupation, looking at 27 States of Brazil and producing works of art, as an antidote to their psychosomatic states of concern and alarm, providing the release of your inner peace sensibilities and harmonious spiritual contemplation”, explain Luis Héctor Pedrini and Rosângela Jassé Silva Pedrini, Contest and Salon creators and curators, and that make a special call to Brazilian and foreign artists.”

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And they still add: “Art is extremely generous to the point of being selfish in the act of its creation. Comes to emotionally neutralize the fear that the new coronavirus imposes on us, opening the doors of inner peace, leaving the worry outside.”

“It will be a pleasure to have works by artists and illustrators from 4 corners of Brazil and the World, because we know the potential of these professionals, as well as the beauties that, certainly, serve as inspiration for everyone to participate”, complete the curators.

Interested artists can apply through the address:

You can follow profiles on Instagram and Facebook: @salaobrasilpintado

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