Asè Cultural Festival announces selected

Event held through the Aldir Blanc Law that celebrates black culture will be of 31 March to 11 April online


The Asè Cultural Festival announced the projects selected to integrate its programming, which will take place online 31 March to 11 April 2021 and will be composed exclusively of self-declared black artists, brown or indigenous. They were chosen 28 projects, between registrants and guests, for presentations and training activities, distributed among five modules. Beyond the State of São Paulo, there are selected ones from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal District.

Created by artists Beta Cunha and Jaqueline Cardoso, from São José do Rio Preto (SP), the festival will feature live broadcasts and previously recorded video, distributed among the following modules: Expression (Express yourself); Read the poem (Read Texts); Reading History (Reading Stories); Kikun Orisha (Orixa painting) e Pin'Mo (I share). The programming will involve black and indigenous culture and also LGBTQIA+ culture, theater, dance, music, creative economy, plastic arts, popular culture, material and immaterial cultural heritage and literature.

The selection was made between 23 and 28 February, by guest curators Mayara Isis, Jeff Santanielo and Andrea Capelli. The curatorial team highlighted the quality, the potential and relevance of all the works assessed during the selection of works. In total, Asè Festival received 89 inscriptions. The analysis and choice of projects were guided primarily by the festival's conceptual proposal and the rules of the notice, published on 8 February.


As predicted in the notice, 80% of the selected projects are from São José do Rio Preto. Work from the cities of São Paulo will also be part of the program., Belo Horizonte (BH), Brasilia (DF), Cachambi (RJ), Rio dos Sinos (RS), Bauru (SP) and Via Mão (RS).

Also part of the Asè Cultural Festival program will be a series of 12 videos titled “Orishas and Entities, the Power of Nature”, with the participation of masters of Candomblé and Umbanda knowledge, between babalorixás, yalorixás, umbanda and ogã godfathers/godmothers. For the series, Participants were invited in advance by the event's executive production and the videos are in the final phase.

The Asè Festival program will be broadcast on YouTube ( and Instagram (@asefestivalcultural). Soon, The organizing committee will publish the full event schedule.

The Asè Cultural Festival project is carried out with resources from the Aldir Blanc São José do Rio Preto Law, through the Municipal Secretary of Culture, Special Secretariat of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Federal Government.

Asè Festival Cultural
When: 31 March to 11 April 2021
Where: YouTube and Instagram @asefestivalcultural




Dance Movement – Group

“(IT SAYS)CHARGE 2.0” – Amanda Prates Bezerra/Ara Ijó Collective (São Paulo/SP)

“Female Dialogues and Identity” – Júnia Bertolino Silva e Cia. Baobá Minas (Belo Horizonte/MG)

Dance Movement – ​​Solo

"" – Mike dos Santos (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

"THE WORLD'S BODY: BODY OF THE EARTH” – Kaled Andrade (Brasília/DF)

“Caravel/Fragments” – David Balt (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

Music – lives

“The History of Samba” – Elis Ribeiro/Maestria do Samba (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Batuqueiros da Vila” – Luiz Eduardo (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Afro Brazilian Music” – Maurício Zacarias/We were Three (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Samba de Roda by ARCCA” – Edenilson Fernandes Benites/ARCCA – Refúgio Cultural Capoeira Angola Association (São José do Rio Preto / SP)


“My Baobab Hair” – Fernanda Dias/Coletivo Malungo (Cachambi/RJ)

“Black Color” – Christina Martins (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

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Performance LGBTQIA+

“Warrior – Clara Nunes” – Rogério Cunha/Wathuzi Cox (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

"Resist to Resist" – Mother Silva/DiAlbert: Open the wings that we want to resist (São José do Rio Preto / SP)


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(note from the curator: due to insufficient number of registrations, the remaining vacancies will be filled in due course by invited artists)

“Authorial Poetry” – Sirlane de Souza Santana (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Freedom of Being” – Yamin Feitosa (São José do Rio Preto / SP)


(note from the curator: the remaining vacancy will be filled by a guest artist in due course)

“Myth of the Creation of the World in the Yoruba Version” – to India in Taina (Rio dos Sinos/RS)

“African Tales” – Jussara Vicente – Ju Tells stories (Bauru/SP)

“The Monkey and the Moon” – Juliana Costa (São José do Rio Preto / SP)


“Before the Scars” – Lili Caffé (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“The Beauty of Our Color” – Wesley S. Estacio (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“A Arte de Valdeme” – Valdeme Ribeiro dos Santos (Via Mão/RS)


"Hair, representation and Self-Esteem of Black Girls and Women” – Edy Nascimento (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Oficina Corpos Negros” – Ubuntu proponent – lecturers Olivia Justo and Juliana Mogrão (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Afro Brazilian Cuisine” – Hausa Rice – Suely Sousa (Uchôa/SP)

"For Orixá And For Us-to Eat" (For Orixá and for us to eat) – Yabaçè Dofona ty Oya, Egbomy Valtinho ty Jagun and Kauê Rocha (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

“Xirê rhythms of each Orixá” – presenting Axé Santa Clara – served by Allan Ventura Cabral and Lucas Freitas (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

"Country Music – The Drums That Sing” – Kaue Rocha, Vitor Miguel and Jard Cerqueira (São José do Rio Preto / SP)

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