The Formation Collections will be the theme of the “MNBA: Open for Work" of this farm, day 02 ten, at 3:0 pm


The forming collections will be the theme of the face-to-face meeting Day 02 of december, Thursday, at 3:0 pm, in another edition of the project “MNBA: Open for Work", this time conducted by the museologist Anaildo Baraçal.

The formation of a classic museum begins with the gathering of objects to be shared and have a public sense.

In the case of the National Museum of Fine Arts, collections were brought together to create the first art exhibition in Brazil, from sets of paintings grouped since at least the 18th century.


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The project “MNBA: open for works” always takes place on Thursdays, from 3 pm to 4 pm, with places limited to 30 participants. Free registration via email only:

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