Visual artist launches unprecedented collection of postcards in 17 August, National Heritage Day


In the next Tuesday, 17 August, date on which the National Heritage day, a designer visual Luciana Pinto launches an online postcard app (e-card), with your own drawings in pen and ink – historical technique, used from to Middle Ages. In celebration of this date, the project POAcard proposes a reconstruction of affective memory through postcards, that in a way, are an example of permanence, although presented in a contemporary version, an online platform.

Carried out in partnership with the Júlio de Castilhos Museum of Porto Alegre, will be part of the institution's social networks, making available to society, free of charge, sending and receiving postcards with the design of the Museum's facade, among other historic buildings, through the online application.

The launch of this App will be unprecedented in Latin America, an electronic card similar to a postcard or greeting card, with the main difference that it is created using digital media rather than paper or other traditional materials..


E-cards are sent to a recipient via email. When accessing the app (, select yourself from an online catalog, a pen-and-ink drawing of one of the city's historic and iconic buildings, to illustrate the front of the card. No verse, write the name and e-mail of the “sender” and the name and email of the “recipient”, for, then, write the message you want to convey.

Emphasizing the importance of preserving the culture of our Capital, the idea is to provide cultural-tourist material that illustrates the city's architectural wealth, revamping the classic way of sending postcards, practically forgotten habit, in these instantaneous times, comments visual artist Luciana Pinto. – Currently, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the future accelerated and the limit of physical contact between people and forced us to renew habits, notes.

The eCardPOAfree app, besides functional, it's environmentally friendly, compared to traditional paper cards, as paper is not the final product, there is no carbon emission, justifies Luciana Pinto. According to the artist, is, also, much more versatile than traditional postcards because it is “digital content”. Can be easily sent to many people at once or extensively customized by the sender.. In addition to being able to be saved on any computer or electronic device or even, viewed on television sets.

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About the project:

From a contemporary and easily accessible virtual environment, if it brings the affective memory of the postcard (handwritten letter), through this online app. This app is built “no code”, it's easy to access and it's free.. It aims at valuing historical heritage, in addition to the current recovery of cultural memory for future generations, explains Luciana Pinto.

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The intention is to replace the old in contemporary life to call the attention of the gauchos, bringing awareness of the value of historical heritage and the beauty of neoclassical architecture, that often goes unnoticed. In these times of so much uncertainty, put this wealth within everyone's reach in postcard form (e-card), it is a way of prolonging existence and perseverance., through memory maintenance, ends.

The National Day of Cultural Heritage, celebrated across the country on the day 17 August, marks the birth of Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade, first president of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), who had his life dedicated to the Brazilian Cultural Heritage.

Contacts with the artist:

Luciana da Silveira Pinto –

What: Launch of the eCardPOAfree Application by visual artist Luciana Pinto
When: 17 August 2021, Tuesday – National Heritage day
Where: (available from 17/08)

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