Visual Artist Rosângela Vig interviewed by Oscar D'Ambrósio in the program profile of UNESP Radio

Program Profile – UNESP Radio


The program Radio Profile of Unesp FM, presented by respected journalist and art critic Oscar D ' Ambrosio interviewed this week to artist and Professor of art history, Rosângela Vig, to talk about her individual exhibition at Livraria Cultura of Shopping Villa-Lobos.

The artist explains a bit about the beginning of her career; how it currently works; her way to reach the end of an idea, since the inspiration, to the conception of a work; and how she treat the effects of light and colour in her works. It is clear that the geometry, her exposure theme, is studied so minutely, with solid foundations on figurative art and reality, but with differential treatment.

Worth checking out the interview and hear a little about the look of an artist on the world that surrounds her. The interview can be heard on the website of the radio Unesp FM, 105,7 or just below. CHECK OUT.


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