artist exposes Project Lifestyle


Exhibition inspired by the routine of urban centers comes to Piracicaba

Between the days 8 and 29 June visitors to Martha Watts Cultural Center will appreciate the project Lifestyle the artist Aline Pascholati. The display consists of an installation, a collage and videos that depict the everyday and the share of urban public space.

The idea came from the experience of living in Paris, due to the chaos of metropolis and repeating everyday. The reflection led to the screen which gives its name to the project and is comprised of an immaculate and timeless white background on which were glued shaped circle cut out pictures from magazines, a very common material. The circle is an abstract representation of the old image Ouroboros, snake eating its own tail and represents the eternal return.


Installation is a transposition material 3D screen, with real objects from various everyday. Visitors can actively participate in the work, where you can leave objects that will comprise the installation.

The video installation proposes a reflection on the daily repetition and speed of the contemporary world through pictures of feet walking on two major metro stations, São Paulo (Paulista-Consolation) e Düsseldorf (Hauptbanhof). The choice to portray only the feet is the anonymity of big cities and the way we are seen frequently - often as numbers.

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About the Artist

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The artist and also a writer on art and aultura, Aline Pascholati, is Diploma in Art History from the Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris), with major exhibitions and projects accumulated in his career.

With only 27 years, Aline explores the various techniques to express, among them painting, photography, stained glass, installation, illustration and video art. It has participated in solo and group exhibitions in seven countries (Brasil, France, Italy, Slovenia, Peru, Iran and Syria).

Exhibition "Daily Life"
When: 8 to 29 June 2018
Timetables: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00
Where: Martha Watts Cultural Center - Da Vinci Room
S. Good death, 1257 – Center, Piracicaba – SP, 13400-140


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