Artist Helios Seelinger in the “MNBA” project: Open for works", day 11 Nov, 5of, free

Multipremiado artist, who even worked as an employee of the National Museum of Fine Arts, Helios Seelinger and his work “Bohemia”, are references for an analysis of modernity, that at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, in Rio de Janeiro, manifests in different ways.


This is the theme of MNBA project: Open for works, Thursday, day 11 November, at 3:0 pm, with an in-person presentation by the museologist Daniel Barretto.

The work of Seelinger (1878-1903), recipient of the Travel Abroad Award, in 1903, at the X General Exhibition of Bellas-Artes, contains interesting elements to understand so much some changes from that moment, as well as the desire to be modern and how this manifested itself in the artistic environment of the time.

The project “MNBA: open for works” always takes place on Thursdays, from 3 pm to 4 pm, with places limited to 30 participants. Free registration only through emeio:


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