Annalisa Tescari Appuhn, italian sculptor, creates her works by printing passion and using metals in its composition.
In Rome, works in her studio, participating in exhibitions since 2007 with highlights in artistic competitions.
With satisfaction, we interviewed the artist for the site.
Annalisa, tell us a little about yourself…
I was born in northern Italy, in Veneto, several years ago in a family of artists. Avô Giovanni, musician, hobby painter, to whom fascism, that he refused, denied a public career; Aunt Antonietta consecrated concert artist; a prima Ninni, award-winning painter, miniaturist mother Bruna who had Princess Grace of Monaco among her clients.

When she awoke her desire to be an artist?
I had to travel twenty years or more, in almost every part of the world, both for work and out of curiosity, or an inexhaustible desire to see the different, the other not noticeable, to build myself inside and then be able to go out into the daylight.
And all that feeling, I sell, measuring myself with the rest of the world, in the end it made me want to go to art school.
I then started attending the Academy of Arts of Via San Giacomo in Rome.
After so much descent, it was enough to choose a branch of art different from the previous ones, but the path was not yet clear.
Starting from trompe l’oeil respectively, I switched to drawing by hand, then for oil painting, until it landed in the wonderful world of sculpture.
What kind of art do you like best?
I prefer sculpture because contact with matter involves body and mind at the same time.
How he developed his style (techniques)?
Starting with clay work, switching to the use of resins and finally adopting the wax because it is more ductile and extremely sensitive to each touch.
The conjunction of fire and water to shape the wax creates a symbiotic system with iron tools.
Cite if you had artistic influences in your works and which artists?
I did not have influences, at least noticeable to me, no specific artist, but everything I saw in the whole world certainly influenced me. Each of us unconsciously steals from nature, in the ways that others have identified before us.
Do you have a family member or acquaintance who is an artist?
There were no visual artists in the family.
Living from art is possible?
I believe that it is possible to live on art if there is strong external support, if you find a mentor.
Ever thought about not acting with more art? can comment why?
I never thought of living without being part of the artistic world. It's like saying if you've ever thought about living without drinking or sleeping. If art is unmistakably within us, it is an indivisible part of it.
What skills are needed today for the artist?
It almost seems that nowadays communication is the most necessary part for an artist to be known and appreciated following the ability to interpret fashion and the flow of marketing.
What you feel when you create or appreciate a work of art?
Pure emotion, euphoria.
Your inspirations to create a work of art?
Inspirations never come from outside because they are urgencies that come from inside, belly, start to occupy more and more spaces in the brain until I feel the urge to materialize this physical emotion.
Which art has impressed you the most so far?
Art modern art, hypermodern.
You must always be creating or creating only at certain times?
I create when I have these internal impulses, I can't say in terms of days or anything.
The product of your work is unique or has a close or distant relationship to your previous work?
Whatever I did in yesterday's life takes me by the hand in today's life.
What are the challenges of art / artist in the current scenario?
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I think the great challenge of art today is to break the artistic concepts accepted until now to create new ones completely out of any scheme already seen and acquired.
Social networks have helped you to spread your work?
The social network acts as a means of transmission, of virtual knowledge and I hope that sooner or later it will fulfill its task of making me known to a wider world.
How plastic arts can contribute to education and culture?
Everything that nourishes human beings intellectually can only help their growth.
How you analyze the qualities of a work of art?
The artistic schemes and modules they taught me are certainly fixed points, even unconscious, when making a judgment about the artwork and, no doubt, about the emotion that the work produces in me.
What are the criteria for stipulating the value of a work of art?
If the work of art produces attention, curiosity, discussion is provoked, discussion, pleasure or other feeling.
Talk about your projects today…
I speak little of projects because the pandemic crash fills all spaces.
What's your advice for those just starting out?
If I could give advice to those just starting, would say to follow your demons, not to try to please or be fashionable, but to be angry at the colors with the shapes until you find your own artistic self.
If you want to leave a message…
Let us never be discouraged!
How would you define your art in one line?
A look at the contemporary.
Social Media:
Website: www.tescariappuhnarte.com
Instagram: @tescari_appuhn_arte