Annex CANVAS | Interactions 2 - Elcio Miazaki, Gabriel Almeida, Liliana Alves, Neiliane Araujo


· Communication between people who live together; dialogue, treatment, contact


On stage 2 of the Project's exhibitions INTERACTIONS, occupying the exhibition area of Annex CANVAS, a different selection of artists – Élcio Miazaki, Gabriel Almeida, Liliana Alves, Neiliane Araujo - displays your interactive proposal. With a wide range of possibilities available, the challenge proposed to the public is to anticipate the interaction proposed by the artists: themes? materials? concepts? Or the lack of congruence, convergence?

Composed, mostly, for two-dimensional works, challenges and provocations are a common point - artists take images of everyday life and, using them as a basis - both of creation and concept, generating a final product with the strength of recognizable changed. “Corruption of use and meaning leaves the visitor in an uneasy position, a little astonishment with a suspicious smile. And being provocative is one of the most desirable facets of art ”, defines the coordinator Duílio Ferronato.

In INTERACTIONS 2, theparticipating artists exhibit 16 works – paintings, watercolors and drawings - generated through the most different materials and supports, from recyclable materials to internet images.


Élcio Miazaki, brings an interpretation of the masculine role in the national daily life where it puts men in uniform showing expressions of affection, which in itself is a utopian misrepresentation. “(…) it is clear that American films insist on putting the military who return from the killings as affectionate subjects with their daughters and wives, unfortunately we know that affection and uniform don't fit”, explains Duilio Ferronato. “Even with different research and support from each artist involved in the collective, we started to observe approximations, as the project itself proposes ”, define Élcio.

Gabriel Almeida, compulsive internet user, watch hours of memes and videos looking for everything that can serve as basic material for your screens, easily identifiable. “A pair of dancing babies appears at first sight as a joke, but in a few seconds it reveals itself to an excavation of the universe where we were all condemned to wander through hours of boredom and idleness ”, says Duílio. “I try to reconcile, in each painting, a profusion of images from different sources on the internet. In this sense, interaction is key to the development of the rhetoric contained in each work ”, explains the artist.

Already Liliana Alves, roams the neighborhoods, search in friends' houses and in your own residence, items that help her rethink the object as part of our civilization. Appropriates simple everyday motifs to paint; his interests are questions of painting, of the visual language from which its poetic expression is born. Organizes your sensations and reflections in paints. "Perhaps, hence 4 a thousand years, trace from your paintings something possible of what our life would have been like in the 21st century ”, comments Duílio Ferronato.

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Neiliane Araujo part of the most banal material of the drawing exercise to transform it into a manifest. With pieces, glues and reassembles how a narrative changes. “Art keeps communication alive so that we can go beyond social distance, in order to make some sense. The works I present are precisely the synthesis of the result of the interaction between subjectivities ”, define artist.


For lack of immunity, the possibilities of meetings were excluded. The simple perspective of interaction suggests contamination. ” The relations of the last 2 years among the artists of canvas Gallery have been fruitful and unusual. The group has been in constant contact, exchanging ideas and analyzing mutual actions. Artistic contact is both anthropophagic and appropriating; one look is enough and the transformation is already beginning. Artists purposely contaminate themselves with ideas, images and conversations. There is no place for barriers. Artistic processes matter as much as the result and, the constant provocations that arise from all parts, whether in the creative or commercial area, keeps us on constant alert ”, explains the coordinator Duílio Ferronato.

With INTERACTIONS, intend to discuss the processes and reach a new stage of artistic maturity, institutional and commercial.

"The 2 early years showed us several possibilities, that we firmly believe that encouraging the artistic process is what makes us excited for the next moves. ” CANVAS Gallery

Exhibition: “Interactions 2
Artist: Élcio Miazaki , Gabriel Almeida, Liliana Alves, Neiliane Araujo
Period: from 24 April to 22 May 2021
Local: Annex CANVAS
S. St. Benedict, 181 – 1º. Walk – Center, São Paulo
wtsp (11) 99403-0023

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