Almandrade, The concept between the verb and the Visuality


(small formats)

GALLERY BARÓ – consolation

After the concrete poetry movement, there is 60 years and the Poem/process for 50 years which led to the total viewing radicalisation: the word was excused from the poem, getting just the signs or words / images that develop in the white space of the paper. The generation of poets artists emerged in the 1970 took the latest resource consequences of conceptual art, mail art and neoconcretistas experiences, stands out from that generation baiano visual artist and poet, with a background in architecture Almandrade. The great visual richness allied to the semantics of the proposal makes Almandrade one of the most creative workers of language. A constructor / inventor.


"We could almost say that Almandrade invented a new form of ' Haiku brasileiro ', reduced to simpler your speech. " (Marc Pottier). Between poetry and visual concept, between the form and the word, between the rigour and poetry walks Almandrade's work. Baiano exponent of conceptual art and, today, one of the great names of Brazilian Visual Arts, with a respected production in major art circuits in the country and internationally recognized. From day 04 April, part of this production, in smaller formats can be seen in Gallery Baró, in the consolação Street Gardens, playing until the day 30 April. The exhibition complements the release of album of engravings, circulation of 50 copies (16x22cm). Are 10 Visual poems produced in the 70 and edited in 2016 by Engravings in Brazil.

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With about of 45 years of artistic activity, Almandrade needs no introduction. Their work, started amid the creative force that marked the artistic movement in the 1970, has a very particular trait: represents the very universality of art, alternating between the constructivist aesthetic, conceptual art and the visual poem. Consistency and rigour in dealing with different media, make Almandrade, a thinker who uses these brackets to produce reflections, an authentic representative of a generation that arose in the 1970.

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Almandrade, O conceito entre o verbo e a visualidade, convite. Divulgação.
Almandrade, The concept between the verb and the Visuality, invitation. Disclosure.

Almandrade (Antônio Luiz M. Andrade)

Artist, architect, master in urban design and poet. He participated in several group exhibitions, among them: XII, XIII and XVI Biennial; “In essence Search” – special show XIX Biennial; IV National Hall; Universe Football (MAM / Rio); National Fair (S.Paulo); II Paulista Hall, First International Exhibition of Ephemeral Sculpture (Fortress); I Salon Baiano; II National Hall; Honorable mention in the Student Hall I 1972. Collective integrated visual poems, multimedia projects and facilities in Brazil and abroad. One of the creators of Bahia Language Study Group who edited the magazine “Semiotics” in 1974. Held about twenty solo exhibitions in Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Sao Paulo between 1975 and 1997; wrote in several newspapers and specialized magazines about art, architecture and urbanism. Awards in project tenders for fine arts works of the Modern Art Museum of Bahia, 1981/82. Fundarte award in XXXIX Salon of plastic arts of Pernambuco in 1986. Published booklets of poetry and/or Visual works: “The sacrifice of the Sense”, “Darks of laughter”, “Poems”, “Night Sweats” and cotton Architecture”. Copene award of culture and art, 1997. Has works in several private and public collections, such as: Modern Art Museum of Bahia and Pinacoteca Municipal de São Paulo, The City Museum (Salvador), African Museum (São Paulo), Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul).

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