French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro create digital classrooms for students and offers francophone programming to the public enjoy at home


Because of the epidemiological emergency that Brazil and much of the world live in this moment, classes of French Rio de Janeiro Alliance follow with the same organization of students and teachers in digital classrooms, until the date it is released the quarantine pandemic.

The courses that were suspended on 15 March returned on the last day 23 with the same composition of students and teacher, Virtual classrooms. The educational content is maintained, because as the AF-Rio uses in their digital pictures classrooms, switching between BITs (abbreviation for digital pictures, in French) for computer screens went quiet way, since the content was already scanned. This was the way that French culture association considered it the most correct for the weekly fellowship and relationship among the members of the group were maintained.

Classes distance began Monday, 23, and the reports were very positive, although it is a new situation for almost all teachers and the vast majority of students. This was only possible because it was set up a stand to support students, with the secretariats of the AF, also digitally work will be shown and pedagogy team supporting teachers.


For this intense structure works were carried out between training sessions with teachers to learn how to operate the video conferencing tool chosen as support for classes, several communications with students to show that there would be a solution for the continuity of courses, among other actions. The organization for the realization of the classes involves sending link to all students, visits to classrooms by the pedagogical coordination and support staff in real time to students who are unable to enter or attend school properly.

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The biggest challenge will be to maintain student attendance and prove that it is possible to keep a part of the activities with (some) normality, which greatly help people in this time of quarantine.

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Cultural Alliance Française team also prepared a Francophone programming that the public can enjoy at home during this period of social isolation. Through the website and social networks AF, They were made available several recommendations shows, shows, movies, lectures, debates and other cultural events especially for tackling this time of global crisis. The proposal, started indicating the movie "Lost My Body", available on NETFLIX platform, and of the "3e Scène", virtual space of the Paris Opera, also features tips for virtual tours of museums, lives of francophone artists, French films available via streaming, podcasts and more. To increase interactivity with the audience the Alliance also invites everyone to participate by sharing your tips through a video up 30 seconds to be published on social networks Institution. The videos should be sent to: or directly in the inbox of social networks institution born.

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