French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro presents show the French Mathieu Boogaerts at Teatro Maison de France


Event is part of the program of the Month of Francophonie
and has free entry

Mathieu Boogaerts. Foto: Divulgação.
Mathieu Boogaerts. Photo: Disclosure.

The French alliance brings a tour in several Brazilian cities the singer and French composer Mathieu Boogaerts, recognized for his original repertoire, minimalist, poetic and humorous. In The River, French Theater presents the Maison de France on 19 March, at 8:0 pm, as part of the celebration of the Month of Francophonie, annual event which aims to promote the cultures of different countries that have French as an official language. The event has free entry.

This figure more than 30 years in the French music scene, Mathieu Boogaerts grew up in the suburbs of Paris and 17 years has played the organ, bass and drums. Its unique sound soon caught the attention of producers and was soon signed to a record label. Their first album "Super" was considered innovative and highly praised by French critics. In 2013, He participated in the album Vanessa Paradis, composing 5 songs for the singer.


After the show in Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia follows the musician, Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto, Porto Alegre and Florianopolis.

Yet on the day 19, Mathieu participates in a workshop at the Alliance Française Botafogo where he teaches techniques of composition of song lyrics in French. To participate, you must submit a title and the first lines of their own song for e-mail

*minimum level required: Full B2 or studying.

The Month of Francophonie receives a large cultural program to celebrate the cultural diversity of over 274 million French speakers in the world who share the 9th most spoken language today: the French. The program includes an exhibition of French cinema, shows and various activities.

Sobre Mathieu Boogaerts

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About the Alliance Française

The Alliance Française celebrated 130 years of activities in Brazil 2015. Besides being a reference in the language, she is, no doubt, the most respected institution and known the world, when it comes to the spread of the French language and Francophone cultures. She has, currently, more than 850 units 135 countries, where they study about 500.000 students. In France, it has schools and cultural centers for foreign students. Brazil has the world's largest network of French Alliances with 37 associations and 63 units.

It is the only institution in Brazil authorized by the Embassy of France, to apply the tests that give access to international diplomas DELF and DALF, recognized by the French Ministry of National Education. The Alliance Française is also official examination centre for international testing validity of two years TCF (The French Knowledge Test) TEF and Canadian (French Assessment Test) and the national test valid for one year Capes (recognized by agencies CAPES and CNPq MEC). The French Alliance in Brazil develops partnerships with numerous French and Brazilian companies as well as being an essential actor of Franco-Brazilian cultural dialogue.

Date: 19/03
Time: 20h
Local: Theater Maison de France – Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 58
Free entry.
Tickets distributed on site depending on the places available

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