The philosopher said to have found the answer to the question: Do not you think the time is passing too fast?
There are 40 years, a person 50 years was considered an old. Women wore coke and men dressed formally, and they were respected for being old. Currently, "Young elderly" of 70 full years show signs of youth. But for the philosopher and researcher Fabiano de Abreu, We increase our longevity, to life, but also increase what he calls “useless life”.
“To increase shelf life, but also increased the worthless life. It's her, life, is going faster and faster. I say useless life between blades, because we need to work. But as I say, life to be good has to be lived in moderation. Everything should be moderate ".
For the Philosopher, the impression we have today that time is passing fast, It is actually a relative impression to the short time we have with ourselves: "Ever stopped to think about the questions I ask myself, and also in making me, about time too quickly pass. I found myself looking at the clock and realize that the hand moves to the same side, and at the same speed. As the speed that the sun rises in the east and disappears in the west is the same. Soon, is not the time passing faster, It is our perception, given the life we live, altering-se ".
“How many times have you said or heard the phrase saying: the year went so fast; the week went so fast; the day went so fast. We are with accumulations of thoughts, business, objectives, targets to meet. With so much information and so many things to do, the day was small, one week was small, and time seems insufficient. Last century, a man who died of old age at 50 years, I could have lived more than a man who will die of old age to 70 years today. We are increasing the number of years of life, and life expectancy, and to decrease the quantity and quality of years we live really.”
“We are so crazy and so sad that we need to buy, consume, and exchanging old items with new ones to feel happy. We do not know or take advantage of the spare time we have, because we are addicted to fill our time with obligations ".

Abreu Fabiano lists 5 steps to have better use of our time, and to live better, whether at work or at leisure.
1 – Lives at work
Look at your coworker and realize it is another side. Try to see the good side of things and pass this to your colleague. making jokes, without excesses, and play a little small talk away from the boss eyes will not hurt them.
2 – Lives at work way home
Try to look with positive eyes watching the scenery. Look evaluate positively people and the environment observed. Program your mind for you to be in good spirits. Make a self meditation and search for nature, because the energy of nature is something unmatched. Note the green, think about what you can do good to get home and, No rush, short each time.
3 – Make the most of your leisure time
Try to enjoy it the most that weekend or holiday. Disconnect from the world, delete the affairs of work and direct your energy to the time of leisure, whether with family, girlfriend, people, or which is. Dedicate yourself to what makes you happy. The better the leisure time, best goal of achievements at work, and so you may get back the date for another weekend, or holiday, vacation, what I call entertainment, the clearance of working time.
4 – Plan your schedules
There is time for everything. Organize your time with limits, and set it in a way that you can enjoy it to the fullest. Take notes, give priority, the most important to the least important. Always try to solve the problems in due time, so do not leave them for later, and to fulfill it the need to do within the given time.
5 – rest, and sleep according to what your body determines