Support Serra da Capivara National Park



Four decades ago, archaeologists discovered, in southeastern of Piauí, a heritage that, until today, was not fully discovered. Each year, the researchs, since 1992 are non-stop, enable the discovery of new archaeological places, new species of animals, of plants and geological monuments of great beauty. Initially financed by France, these searches also receive, since decade of 1990, Brazilian federal government funding.

In 1978, after months of fieldwork, researchers sent to Brasilia a report showing the importance of the region, not only for understanding the prehistory of Brazil, but also for the preservation of the caatinga and a well maintained environment. The federal government, in 1979, created the Serra da Capivara National Park, but no employee was appointed to take care of the conservation unit and were not allocated resources for it protection.


Due to the state of disrepair of the Park, the researchers of Franc-Brazilian Mission of Piauí created the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano – Fumdham that, since then, fight to protect the Park and promote economic and social development of the region.

In 1991, to Unesco declared Serra da Capivara a Cultural Heritage of Mankind and, as from that date, the Fumdham, by request of the federal government, assumed the responsibility to protect and maintain this Heritage.

During these years, Fumdham managed to maintain the infrastructure that built in the Park to allow the development of tourism, fauna protection and, especially, the protection and conservation of places of rock art.

The funds allocated by the Ministries of Culture and Environment for this work were never enough, but Fumdham always managed resources through the Rouanet Law. However, since 2010, these donations have been reduced. Consequently, resources that Fumdham have today will not allow the continuity of maintenance and conservation and, if can not reverse this situation, the Serra da Capivara National Park will remain completely abandoned.

Obtaining resources is essential to continue the protection of this World Heritage. Support Serra da Capivara National Park. Collaborate.

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  • Dra. Niéde Guidon – Chief Executive Officer – Fumdham
  • Dra. Elisabeth Medeiros – Interinstitutional Coordination – Fumdham


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