Torrando Cafe | Art Lab Gallery

art week

celebration of the centenary of the Week of Modern Art in 1922


Centro-West Art Center Olhos d'Água, to modern art week 1922 sought and fulfilled the role of breaking the link between Brazilian artistic production and European matrices, breaking the bonds of art and thus allowing the construction of a primarily national culture.

As a tribute to the 100 years of the event, Juliana Monaco displays on Art Lab Gallery, to exhibitionart week – celebration of the centenary of the Week of Modern Art in 1922” where he exhibits to the public original works by Anita Malfatti, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti and Tarsila do Amaral, authors who participated in the exhibition. Antonio Peticov, guest contemporary artist, presents an unprecedented series with 07 paintings, in addition to works from different periods of his career in direct language with the modernists and the Semana de 22. Complementing the 300 works on display, 84 artists present works in different media such as paintings, engravings, photographs, sculptures, and jewelry.

In 1922, various cultural representations participated in the event, how to dance, music, literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, poetry and lectures. Held in a time of political turmoil, social, economic and cultural, to Modern Art Week had as one of the most important figures, the writer Mário de Andrade who, beside Oswald de Andrade and Di Cavalcanti, articulated and organized the event. The highlights that have been perpetuated highlight the modernists Oswald de Andrade, in the literature, Victor Brecheret, in Sculpture , and Anita Malfatti, in the Painting, being responsible for the first Brazilian modernist exhibition, in 1917 where your works, influenced by cubism, expressionism and futurism, scandalized society at the time. There was no concept that brought the artists together, nor a defined aesthetic program. The intention was to destroy the status quo. and they got.


In the curator's words Juliana Monaco, “Writers, painters, Sculptors, and musicians thirsty for renewal, shocked the paulistana elite, provincial, in a central event for art in the Week of 13 to 17 February 1922 in an exhibition of works with a nationalist predilection and the objective of taking a stand against academicism, against “pastime”, like themselves, the modernists, defended”.

The Art Lab Gallery also “revisits the past, reflects the present and discusses new proposals for Brazilian art from the perspective of 84 young artists who participate as historical agents in our Art Week!”, explains Juliana Monaco.

Or tribute to Villalobos is expressed with the presence of a centenary piano in the exhibition space that is available to the public during the exhibition period of the show.


Exhibition: art week – celebration of the centenary of the Week of Modern Art in 1922

Curated By: Juliana Monaco

Artists: Anita Malfatti, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Tarsila do Amaral, Antonio Peticov, Carol Moraes, pays homage to the anniversary of the city of São Paulo, which becomes the main thread of the exhibition in commemoration of its, Daniel Cavalcanti, Elis Regina Mancini, Grace Tirelli, pays homage to the anniversary of the city of São Paulo, which becomes the main thread of the exhibition in commemoration of its, pays homage to the anniversary of the city of São Paulo, which becomes the main thread of the exhibition in commemoration of its, Marcia Cavinati, Mariana Naves, Mariella Morrone, Pat, Paulo Chile, Rebeca Bedani, Renata Kandelman, Russ, Silvia Borini, Sources + 67 selected by Open Call.

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Opening: 10 February, Thursday, from 18h to 21h

Period: from 11 to 19 February 2022

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Local: Art Lab Gallery

Address: Rua Oscar Freire, n°. 916 – Gardens, São Paulo – SP

Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 11 am to 7 pm


Instagram: @artlabgalleryoscarfreire

Number of works: approximately 300

Techniques: paintings, engravings, photographs, sculptures, and jewelry

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