Age is a problem for Brazilian authors?

Index of Brazilian authors with more than 40 years grows in the publishing market


The Editorial Group Coherence raised an internal survey and pointed out that, of the authors of the house, 39% are women over 40 years. The percentage is very favorable to the publishing market and warms old discussions between those who defend the interference in the age of those who write, in which many point out the lack of experience of young authors and the possible disconnection with current writing techniques by not-so-young authors.

In fact, this was an agenda raised a few years ago in various groups of literature, but even today there are readers and writers who point out the age of an artist as a contribution or a hindrance.

“I think that the age of an author has a lot to contribute with his works. A more experienced and experienced writer will have many more interesting things to tell ”, reports Lea Michaan, author of “Small”. To ela, the time was very favorable in the maturation of its literary universe, and, over the years managed to acquire more confidence to share his narratives with the world.

On the other hand, a writer Telma Brites, of the trilogy “Gaia”, affirms that it is not the age that “makes your work good or not”. And it stands out:


"In my opinion, there are many young authors who write for an adult audience, and there are many adult people over 40 who write for a young audience, which is my case. ”

Telma Brites lives for more than 30 years in Europe and draws the attention of readers in Brazil, his trilogy was launched by Editorial Group Coherence at the end of last year and conquers the target audience, which she said was young.

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Different from the two artists, the writer and biomedic Vanessa Guimaraes believes that age is not an obstacle to writing a good story, But yes, take time to focus on writing.

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“The difficulties that I encountered 45 were related to work reconciliation, children and writing. This is more complicated. I believe that a young writer has more time to dedicate himself to his work. ”, reported in an interview.

The artist launched "Butterfly Kiss" in november last year by Editorial Group Coherence and has already won a literary award for Best Thriller in 2020.

While the publishing market works tirelessly to promote young authors, readers look for other stories in older writers, that contrary to what many think think, tell life lessons within their manuscripts.

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