Professional chosen for the first edition of the ArchClub Yearbook 2022 explains that healthy homes and spaces contribute to inclusion, health and sustainability
Anna Persia Bastos is businesswoman and space designer, owner of studio Persia Interiores and his greatest pleasure is designing spaces that make a difference to people, because he believes that the environments that surround us influence all the time.
So, why not create spaces that benefit life? This is your purpose, transform people's lives, bringing health to the residents.
Materials used in construction and renovations, furniture that make up the decoration and small daily habits can disrupt the quality of life inside the home, sickening the residents. How to have a healthy home?
The concept of 'healthy home'’
The healthy home concept is aimed at creating environments that generate health for residents.. we live 90% of our life in built spaces and they are demonstrably more polluted than outdoor environments. In this design concept, we think of space as a generator of health, then, what to do so that it really generates health for residents or users of spaces? Think about what kind of furniture to specify, ink type, if the environment is bathed in natural lighting and ventilation, in long-stay space protection … All this makes a difference in people's lives.
Healthy Projects
A healthy project takes into account seven essential points to bring health to residents and/or users of spaces. Acoustics, lighting, cleaning materials, Construction Materials, electromagnetic pollution, air and water quality and exercise and leisure.
When designing, it is necessary to reflect on what is being specified for the built environment and what are the best strategies to improve what already exists. It's no use thinking about just one of the points listed here because they all have a considerable influence on the environment and a sick house, reflects on the residents and provides disease to all who enjoy it. It is a set of design strategies and solutions that are thought out and put into practice, always aiming at the well-being and quality of life of the residents.
O ar, the water, lighting and ventilation are extremely important for the well-being and health of human beings.. We cannot live without them and if any of them are of poor quality, we get sick.
The materials we use in construction can generate contamination. An ink specification that contains contaminants can cause allergies, headaches, absence of wall vent … all impacting on our health. The same goes for the cleaning products we use at home.. Everything we put into the environment we live in has an impact on our lives..
In summary, the healthy project focuses on health, the well being, providing a better quality of life.
Environmental scents
Have you ever heard of environmental scent?? “this term, widely used in commercial environment projects, It also perfectly applies to residential environments. Environmental scent can be artificial, when we insert an aroma into a space, or be part of the space itself, when it belongs to a product”, explainsAnna Persia Bastos, interior designer and reference in healthy space projects, sustainable and inclusive.
An afternoon coffee table aromatizes the whole environment with the smell of bread, of the cookies, leaving an unforgettable scent. When it happens, you register this sensation in your unconscious and whenever you sit at a table that refers to your first experience, the emotion you felt will return in the same vibration as before, connecting with this new environment. this is not amazing?
On“Concept Toilet” project(Photos), the walls were painted with coffee powder reuse texture, an aroma that warms the hearts of Brazilians and that refers to pleasant moments.
And why this happens?
Smell is called the chemical sense, for allowing the human being to distinguish a beneficial substance or not, by the odor felt through the nose. The odors we smell are processed close to the emotion and memory centers, not showing any cognitive effort to register that smell that makes you refer to that space or a situation.
The power of an aroma goes far beyond having a fragrant place. It can influence your mood, in your connection with the environment, in your relationship with people, in closing deals and much more. For being the first sense to be sharpened, it is through him that the first impression comes.
Here it was already possible to perceive the great ally that commercial establishments. But what about residential, Will they benefit from this strategy??
SecondAnna Persia Bastos, “a good aroma is able to strengthen self-esteem and even provide health benefits.
Research shows that when aromas are inhaled, help activate the body's limbic system, that are linked to mood, the emotion, memory and even our behavioral patterns”.
Why the concern for inclusion and sustainability?
I understand that the inclusion of everyone in any space is vital. We are all different and respecting this diversity is respecting the other in its entirety. Spaces need to be designed for everyone, in order to welcome and give autonomy to everyone who enjoys it.
Regarding sustainability, is also related to respect for all things. We cannot think that we are not responsible for a better world, a healthier life. I believe that we have no choice but to seek a more sustainable world.
Sustainable in the sense of non-waste, of not destroying the natural sources that were given to us and we are exterminating with everything, of non-acceptance of slave labor and so on. In all my projects I always look for materials with low impact, that do not harm the environment, ways to not generate so much waste, to pollute the environment less, to reuse what the customer has, revamping and giving another value to pieces and furniture. It's a loving look at what we have and the fear of losing this wealth.
About Anna Persia Bastos
training psychologist (UNESA), always had an eye on the importance of space in the constitution of the subject. Started studying for Personal Organizer and then moved on to Interior Design. – Instituto Marangoni Milan – School of Design in Interior Design for Professionals . Specialization in Interior Design: setting and production of space – IPOG . Master in Diversity and Inclusion in environmental comfort in spaces of inclusion – UFF . Technical in Interior Design – IBDI . Space Design- MADEIN methodology – European Institute of Design. Also studied Neuro Design, Design Biofílico e Vegan Design. for 2022, prepare the book launch “Environmental Comfort and Education”.
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Anna Persia Bastos is a space designer, and plays the studio Persia Interiores, It is his greatest pleasure to design spaces that make a difference for people, believing that the environments that surround us influence us at all times. So, why not create spaces that benefit life, that are sustainable, inclusive and respectful of diversity? This is your purpose, transform people's lives, bringing health and better quality of life to residents. Purpose that led the Persia Interiores studio to the Southeast Archathon 2022 , in addition to being one of the references in the area.
Sustainability Awards
THE GLOBE – Show Casa Design 2013
THE GLOBE – Show Casa Design 2014
Show Living More for Less Rio 2019
Winner of the 1st Archaclub_NFD cultural competition, 2021
Participated in the Venice Architecture Biennale of 2021, with the Sensitive Path project
Corporate Awards
Gran Awards for Quality Excellence 2014 and Company of the Year in Quality
Business Excellence Award 2014
Quality Award- Excellence in Quality 2014
Brazil Excellence and Quality Award 2014

pact with nature
“The essence of my projects is in the search for sustainability, always with the least impact on the environment, through the reuse and renovation of materials and furniture in a creative way”.
Anna Persia Bastos / study of the interior of Persia
Instagram: @persiainteriores
Contact (21) 99660-5571