'Brazilianness Di Cavalcanti’ exposure in the ABI / RJ


Show runs until 25 April

A graphic work Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, one of the most important artists of Brazilian modernism, He went on display this week at 9º andar da ABI – Brazilian Press Association, in downtown Rio.

Illustrations, with the unmistakable Brazilianness artist, They can be enjoyed in the newspapers, journals, books and album covers in this exhibition that runs from Monday to Thursday and is conceived and produced by the poet, writer and lyricist Chico Rodrigues.


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Among the rarities of Shows, Chico indicates the card and stamp representing the Post and Telegraph Tri-Centenary (1663-1963); and the covers of the books 'History of Brazil', Murilo Mendes, (Edition of 1929), where Di drew Vargas, D.Pedro I, The Marquise of Santos; 'Departure Under Pluiede', Sergio Milliet (Edition of 1919); 'Garden of confidences', Ribeiro Couto (Edition of 1921); and 'Diamond Khaki', Mário de Andrade (Edition of 1926), among other valuables.

'The Brazilianness Di Cavalcanti’
Production, idealization and curatorship: Chico Rodrigues
By 25/04, from Monday to Thursday, from 10am to 18pm.
HELP – Brazilian Press Association
Rua Araújo Porto Alegre, 71 – Center
Rio de Janeiro – RJ 20030-018

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