The Art of working with Art, a Course of Visual Arts for Visual Artists by Ana Goldberger


The Art of working with Art, a Course of Fine Arts for Fine Artists por Ana Goldberger‎

The course addresses visual artists and other arts professionals starting a career and public in general who are interested in arts and addresses the structure of the art world, exhibit development, marketing works, interaction between the various professionals and institutions dedicated to the arts, with emphasis on museums.

Topics focused:

  • genesis of exhibitions
  • museums
  • geniuses artists
  • types of exposures and types of spaces
  • spaces and correlated with forms of marketing
  • exhibitions, Halls of Art and biennials
  • dissemination and marketing
  • physical mounting of an exhibition

Exercises Practical will be proposed at the end of the course, such as:

  • análise of art curricula
  • preparation of a proposal or project exposure and preparation of press release
  • materialization of an exhibition

The course is taught by Professor Wellington Rodrigues Costa, formed by Faculty of Fine Arts of St. Paul, extending the USP.

Course 6 classrooms + 2 attendances: 1 lesson per week 2pm each (total: 12hs/aula) - Wednesday afternoon.

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Registration until 22/07/14 with Ana Goldberger,by email ou cel: 11-9-9991-5546.

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