3º Mabri Small Format Art Salon offers free workshops


The 3rd Mabri/British Museum of Museum of Art formats has the online exhibition open for visitation at the link sapf.com.br

The exhibition is curated by Divino Sobral and the initiative to create the salon belongs to the producer Malu da Cunha. The coordination of commissions and courses was in charge of Gilson Plano.

In the days 11, 12 and 13 August The 3rd Mabri Small Art Salon offers free offices in order to intend practical actions on how to discuss and propose from collectivities the poetic of the small format. The meetings will take place online and free.



11/08 – Workshop: The smallest part of the trait

Ministered by kulumym-açu “The smallest part of the trait” is a workshop that celebrates storytelling and intervention in artistic languages ​​as the greatest smallness of a creative spelling, as is the breath for the poem and the pixel for the photograph. This workshop will take place as a creative sketch of a notebook, scribbles, gestures, patches that engrave the creative process.

12/08 – Workshop:  Microzine – Reading Pills

Bruna Tamires proposes the production of fanzines in micro formats, condensing stories into short-term, easy-to-play reading images. Ideal for working with children and exercising imagination in creative games.

13/08 – office 3×4 – Memory and Small Formats

The experience mediated by artist Aline Brune consists of the presentation of poetics and devices of creation of black artists who deal with memory and interference on photographic records, for the proposition of short audiovisual experiments from photos 3×4, reports and poetry that can connect to the images brought to the meeting.

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3º Mabri's Small Format Art Salon

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Online exhibition: sapf.com.br

Free Offices – Vagas Limitadas.

11,12 and 13 August

Target Audience: Target Audience: Educators, Mediating teachers, Multipliers of the art and education field and the interested public.

Link to workshop registration: https://forms.gle/BMprdba5EM13FPxZ8

Information: Aline Borba - (21) 97448 2323 assessoriadeimprensamkt@gmail.com


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