Celia Euvaldo, Untitled, 2020, oil on canvas, 130 x 160 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Gallery celebrates its 10th anniversary with an exhibition 16 February. Exhibition brings together works by artists Célia Euvaldo, Eduardo Sued and Maria-Carmen Perlingeiro, the same ones that opened the space a decade ago. The Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte completed 10 years of activity in december 2020. To celebrate the date, the gallery presents the exhibition “COMO IN THE FIRST TIME”, … Read more


Celia Euvaldo, Untitled, 2020, oil on canvas, 130 x 160 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Gallery celebrates its 10th anniversary with an exhibition starting on the day 11 of december. Exhibition brings together works by artists Célia Euvaldo, Eduardo Sued and Maria-Carmen Perlingeiro, the same ones that opened the space a decade ago. The Mul.ti.plo Space Complete art 10 years of activity this December. To celebrate the date, the gallery presents … Read more

Clark Centennial Valley of the Vines

A2 Gallery + Mul.ti.plo promotes tribute to 100 years of one of the most important Brazilian artists of all time. From 13 to 22 March, project includes theater, talk by Paulo Sergio Duarte, art exhibition and educational activities. Initiative reaffirms Valley of the Vines as polo culture and thought. O centenário de LygiaRead more

edition celebrates 25 year history of the artist Valeria Costa Pinto

Book brings together research on the artist folds and creases in different formats and media respected visual artist, with important exhibitions curriculum in Brazil and abroad, Rio's Valeria Costa Pinto meets in book 25 years of his career in the Brazilian contemporary art. With limited run, translation and luxury finish, to … Read more

Parque Lage – IUPERJ offers the first Graduate Trustees for training in Rio de Janeiro

Inaugural class, open to the public, will be on 14 March (on wednesday), com o artista Marcos Chaves e o curador Paulo Sergio Duarte O IUPERJ e a Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage apresentam o curso de pós-graduação “lato sensu” Curadoria de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, com coordenação dos críticos de arte e curadores PauloRead more