The premiere of a musical show and the release of an unpublished translation of Inferno pay homage to the 700 years since Dante Alighieri's death

In June, a preview of the musical work was presented for free at the Dante virtual soiree 700. In the photo, the composer and violinist Vagner Cunha and the tenor Flávio Leite. Photo: Bell’Anim Productions / Disclosure.

On 14 September, the public will be able to watch the world premiere of the concert A Paixão de Dante, composed by Vagner Cunha; and discover the commemorative edition of the book with an unpublished translation by José Clemente Pozenato In homage to the 700 anos da morte do Italian poet Dante Alighieri, which will be completed the next day 14 September, a Bell’Anima … Read more

Chapel Santa Maria receives 30 corals of the city in the 2nd week of the Choral

I week of choral singing. Photo: Doreen Marques.

About of 30 corals and thousand choristers will pass across the stage of the chapel Santa Maria this week, between days 20 and 25 of June, during the second Week of Choral Henrique de Curitiba. Are part of the daily concerts schedule, improvement courses and lecture with the artistic direction of the main conductor of the Choir of … Read more