Spectacle “Kimberly's Talent Show” debuts in October in São Paulo

Show "The Kimberly Talent Show", Flyer. Disclosure.

Show “The Kimberly Talent Show” Kimberly is a typewriter who only seeks approval for her noble scenic talents. Without noticing, she falls into an irreversible process of transforming herself into a human being. “Kimberly's Talent Show” presents a theory on the definition of Humanity and the factors that trigger the … Read more

PREMIER Play by Frenchman Pascal Rampert for a short season in Rio de Janeiro

"Closure of Love" Show. Photo: © Henri dos Anjos.

Show “Encerramento do Amor” arrives in Rio de Janeiro for presentations in an intimate environment. In national circulation, the brasiliense version of the work Clôture de l'Amour, by award-winning French playwright Pascal Rambert, brings to Rio de Janeiro a two-round discussion, that precedes the end of a relationship with several layers of complexity. The format … Read more

3º Festival das Marias in Brazil opens registration for online programming

3º Festival das Marias in Brazil, soon - featured. Disclosure.

The third edition of the Festival das Marias – International Feminine Arts Festival takes place in Brazil between 6 and 18 October 2022, with face-to-face programming (in the cities of Araçariguama and São Paulo) e online (through the Festival's YouTube channel). It's open – until day 11 September – o Edital deRead more

Instituto do Ator offers free shows

Instituto do Ator offers free shows in Rio de Janeiro through the Lapa Mundi Project. Disclosure.

FOCA – Programa de Fomento Carioca INSTITUTO DO ATOR OFFERS FREE SHOWS IN RIO DE JANEIRO FROM JUNE THROUGH THE LAPA MUNDI PROJECT Instituto do Ator will hold three free shows from 8 June in Rio de Janeiro. There will be more than ten performances of the pieces “Nyogolon”, “Susuarana” and “Sacrifice”, of the … Read more

CCBB Rio presents “Around the World in 80 Days” based on the work of Jules Verne

Show "Around the World in 80 Days". Photo: Mariana Chama.

Sponsored by Banco do Brasil, CCBB Rio pays tribute to the work of Júlio Verne with the trilogy Viagens Extraordinárias conceived by Cia Solas de Vento, three theatrical productions that invite children and adults alike to embark on Jules Verne's fantastic universe and immerse themselves in a scenography that mixes aspects … Read more

Petrobras Sponsorship Award, the show “dancing animals” arrives in Brasilia with free admission

“Dancing Animals” Show. Photo: Sabrina da Paz.

Ministry of Tourism and Petrobras present Focus Cia de Dança in Bichos Dançantes directed, text, conception and choreography Alex Neoral “Danceling Animals”, new children's show by Focus Cia de Dança (RJ), wins two performances at Teatro SESC Newton Rossi – Ceilândia, through sponsorship of Petrobras through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, us … Read more

Banco do Brasil presents and sponsors Heart of Campaign

Show "Heart of Campaign", featured. Photo: Dalton Valerio.

Clarice Niskier's show talks about the rapprochement of families during the pandemic, of solidarity in the midst of losses and the birth of great friendships Actress and author Clarice Niskier, that in 2021 celebrates 40 year career, star on stage at the Banco do Brasil Brasilia Cultural Center “Heart of Campaign”. The play continues … Read more

One year after father's death, dancer launches show

Outburst Show, Marcelo Oliveira. Photo: Mariana Garcia.

Free spectacle will take place on virtual stages in five cities in Espírito Santo Art can be a refuge in the worst moments. One year after your father's death, the Espírito Santo choreographer Marcelo Oliveira, launches the show “Desabafo – pandemic clippings”, that passes virtually between days 09 and 30 of july by … Read more

Show 'Longos Anos' makes last sessions on Instagram

‘Long Years’ show. Photo: Rafael Zanon.

The show “Longos Anos”, staged by the playwright and theatrical director Homero Ferreira, concludes its virtual season on Instagram this week. The last three sessions take place on Thursday, 1April th, to Saturday, day 3, live, always at 20.30. In addition to signing the text and the direction, the artist plays the protagonist Bete na … Read more

“TEA OF SIX” at the Teatro Bibi Ferreira

"TEA OF SIX" at the Teatro Bibi Ferreira, featured. Disclosure.

“THE DAUGHTERS OF THE MOTHER” Show celebrates more than 35 years in poster, with more than 1 million viewers. In 1983 Thus a great success of Ronaldo Ciambroni, "DAUGHTERS OF MOTHER", with his debut in the city of Bauru, São Paulo in a soccer field, celebrating more 35 years in poster. … Read more