Eduardo Climachauska makes performance with lyric tenor at the Earth's Core

The artist, composer and filmmaker Climate (Eduardo Climachauska) It presents day 5 November, Tuesday, at 8:0 pm, new performance at the Center of the Earth. Ride, Clown! It is a blend of performance and show with the participation of the opera singer Giovanni Tristacci, who will be representing Pierrot. Then comes a show with Climate own (voice … Read more

Art fair and printed happens in Earth's Core

Third edition of 3+8 have idealisation and curated by Patricia Cividanes and has 17 exhibitors Art and print fair that is in its third edition, to 3+8, which is carrying out the Den Positive magazine and Earth Center, and idealization and curated by Patricia Cividanes, happens day 5 October, Saturday, from 2pm to … Read more

Performer and Artist Visual SHIMA is occupation of Earth's Core

Named RE / DES, occupation has five more artists / collectives and brings the unprecedented performance A Morte de Shima: one minute for each year of life, where the artist declares his death after discovering that his given surname is not real A month ago, the artist Marcio Shimabukuro, o Shima, discovered that the family … Read more