UC Digiere-Painting our nature by Edmund Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

I've always been in love with my country, their regional differences, ethnicities, fauna, Flora, etc. This is the great exuberance of Brazilian regions that get inspired to draw and paint my screens. Are screens that tell a story, have beyond art, content. – Uc Digiere


Where you were born and what their academic training?

I was born in the town of Itaju, S. P. on 11/02/1961 and I live in Saint Louis, SP.

I'm graduated in Letters from the Faculty of philosophy, Sciences and letters of Jaú, SP.


How and when your first contact with the arts?

My first contact with the arts was when in 1997, I decided to stop teaching. I bought my first brushes and paints, I read a lot about painting in books and magazines, participated in workshops and have been gradually introducing me in the field of performing arts as well, as an autodidact, my old dream of painting on canvas.

Idelza Digiere é Artista Plástica.
UC Digiere is an artist.

How did you find this gift?

Well, This gift was born with me. Since childhood I was causing a lot of trouble to my parents by drawing with charcoal on the walls of the House and painting illustrations in the books of the older sisters.

What's your creative process itself? What inspires you?

I've always been in love with my country, their regional differences, ethnicities, fauna, Flora, etc. This is the great exuberance of Brazilian regions that get inspired to draw and paint my screens. Are screens that tell a story, have beyond art, content.

Art is an exquisite intellectual production, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in the history of art, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who Would Be?

Yes, my favorite artists are Di Cavalcanti and Carybé (Hector Julio Páride Bernabó).

What the arts represent for you? If I were to summarize in a few words the significance of the arts in your life…

My support. I feel blessed to have this gift. At the moment I do artwork “travel” in my paintings and emotions is wonderful. Art is a special world that only we artists sentient beings, We have the opportunity to feel and understand.

What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing… or uses various techniques to make a mix of different forms of art).

Oil or acrylic painting on canvas.

Every artist has his mentor, that person who you have mirrored, you encouraged and inspired you to follow this career, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who is this person and how she introduced in the art world?

Well, with me it was different. Unfortunately I've never had a person next to me to me mirror. My town is very small and doesn't care much for culture. Politicians ignore any kind of incentive and recognition. I did my walk. With the time I was sending pictures of my works for Art magazines and these were chosen for publication. Hence began the invitations to expose inside and outside the country.



In 2006, I attended a brazilian exhibition in Rome (at the time I was still working with the Academic style) and I used to stay in Europe for more time to enrich my knowledge about the art.

I can say that, who else encourages me is the press, Magazines in the region and São Paulo, The Candle of my newspapers and Trade Journal city of Jaú, the city of Jaú – SP, that publish frequently my exhibitions, interviews and inserts with special screens devoted to Christmas theme. I also have participated in televised interview on t.v. HAS affiliated of rede Globo de Bauru – SP. And now You, for those who appreciate immensely for caring and encouragement my art.

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You have another activity beyond Art? You give lessons, lectures etc.?

Yes, currently working with art therapy. Also I take my work into schools and talk about art with students that vibrate with the colors and stories of each frame. It is very gratifying.

Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards.

Among the many exhibitions that I consider are;

  • 07/2006, participation in exhibition and receiving honorable mention in the XI International Circuit of Brazilian Art in Vienna in Austria, Bratislava/Slovaquia, Prague/Czechoslovakia, Madrid/Spain and Brazilian States; Diamantina/Mines, Maringá Paraná.
  • 18/06/2006, participation of Brazilian shows at the Academy Internazionale D Arte Moderna in Rome, Italy.
  • 27/07/2010, participation in exhibition and receiving honorable mention in brazilian exposure, Marounought Gallery, in New York, U.S. TO.
  • 23/11/2011, participation in exhibition and receiving honorable mention in brazilian exposure in the Museum Du Louvre, Paris/France.
  • 05/09/2012, participation in exhibition and receiving a silver medal at the exhibition of the Americas at the Consulate of Argentina, Rio de janeiro/RJ.
  • 09/06/2013, participation in exhibition and receiving honorable mention at the Musée Du Louvre, Paris/France.


Your plans for the future.

Put into practice the painting of my new collection dedicated to our beautiful river Tietê here of the interior which is one of our greatest riches.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/idelzaartes




São Paulo – Brasil
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