Virtual Exhibition brings black and white photos of Ouro Preto


“The subject's center of gravity is this present synthesis of the past to which we call history” LACAN


The Baroque Mineiro developed in Minas Gerais between the 18th and 19th centuries. With its own style and characteristics, the movement received artistic influences from the European Baroque and the Baroque that prevailed in other parts of Brazil, like Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. Preserving the characteristics of duality and contradictions of the artistic movement, in the State of Minas Gerais, began to develop as a style of its own personality that left its mark on the history of architecture, of painting and sculpture.

Characterized by grandeur, the baroque art of Minas is rich in details, gold colors and ornaments. Art that explored the typical materials of the region, like cedar and soapstone, thus creating an authenticity loaded with peculiar characteristics. Evoking religion in every detail, the baroque from Minas followed the trend of Baroque Art, crescendo, especially, around churches and confraternities.

The combination of memory, truth and oblivion is present, eloquently, at the 36 photographs of Trois.


The three photographers traveled, not only geographically, but analytically by streets, buildings, stories and their own experiences. The historic city of Ouro Preto was the setting for different reflections, reencounters with the past and discoveries. In black and white, we are invited to dive into our own existence, post-advent of the pandemic. We found it through the eyes of Denise Greco, Luciana Alves and Sergio Graça our own solitude, framed by the timelessness of the baroque.

Between light and shadow, we pass the photos one by one, trying to find us again or discover a forgotten part of us. “He who is unable to remember the past is doomed to relive it.” Marcel Proust warned us in his novel In Search of Lost Time, that brings to the scene a fruitful experience and reflection on time and memory. These two notions are colored by modern coloraturas from the very title of the work and extended throughout the Proustian narrative..

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There are some experiences, however, that can never be retrieved by the work of memory. In General, these experiences take place at a time when the subject could not understand them or, due to its nature, escape comprehension and only later, in one-after, become object of interpretation or understanding.

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In each narrative, it is possible to let go of pre-established notions and activate abstraction in relation to the meaning of each photograph presented. An opportunity to assume the artist's persona and delve into his interior.

Trois is much more than an exhibition, is the record of an era.

Lu Valença

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