Kickante campaign offers book sale of 50 Bob Wolfenson's career years: DISNORTH

Kickante campaign offers book sale of 50 Bob Wolfenson's career years: DISNORTH. Disclosure.

Portraits, Polaroids and images taken from books trace the photographer's life work Photographer Bob Wolfenson launches sales campaign for his new book DESNORTE, that has portraits, fashion pictures, polaroides, images taken from books/exhibitions, travel photos, photographic notes, family albums and female nudes to celebrate the 50 years of … Read more

Romário Martins House exposes series of portraits of personalities curitibanas

Casa Romário Martins presents from Thursday (29) the photo exhibition "Life is close - Profiles of passers by on the sidewalk", with pictures of 24 curitibanas personalities who were part of the Profile Series 2015, the newspaper Gazeta do Povo. The profiles have been published over the last six months, on issues of … Read more